Secret Tunnel

Instagram This Writing is a Secret Tunnel!


  1. Speedy, I just found the secret tunnel. It is the best tunnel ever. You are so beautiful. I hope you are feeling as good as you look, Sweetheart. I am so sorry about what you had to go through, but look at you now!

    1. Hehehe I did it for you Auntie Jane as you said you wished there was a secret tunnel,and I am Felling Great too,love you,xx Speedy

  2. Now I found it too!
    I thought it might be outside in the garden and came back to ask :-)

  3. Speedy! Darling!
    mes just popped don your secret tunnel rabbit hole!!! Wowzers! Mes LOVES it! Mes will keeps coming back!

  4. Oh my, a secret tunnel from a rabbit on the moors - how could I not check this out!

  5. Is this secret? :O


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