Thursday, 23 January 2025

It's a New Year and We had a Little Break

 Hello Blogville it's your one and only Gossip Bunny with all her latest ponderings on everything. Its a new year and we as in I took a little break but I am back now. We have had storms and we have had a snow day which was fun as that is something that we haven't in a good long while....

And now we have more storms moving tonight and more next week....storms are really tiresome. The last couple of days Mummy has been able to take me out for a little walk as its been cold and dry but this morning the rain has moved in ready for Storm Eowyn....she's rolling in fast tonight...sigh...

Baby the Jackdaw has been skittish  the last couple of weeks due to build works on our street. She's been coming in for food but not hanging around very long. She was too skittish to feed from mummy's hand but she comes when mummy calls her and chirps at mummy when she's flying over the house to say hello. Jo-Jo has been coming a lot too though the local murder keeps chasing her...

And the biggest news is about Mousey. Mummy had to get a load of sticks out of the box that Mousey is nesting in, one because they are the driest sticks for the stove and two daddy said he saw a rat in the mind the door was open so it probably snuck in and got caught by daddy and then he saw in in the garden so mummy had to prove to daddy the Mousey is a mouse which she did. But she was going to move Mousey to its own nest box but Mummy lifted back some of the nest and found 3 or 4 babies about 3 to 5 days old, Mummy said to daddy "Oh she has babies" and that was that daddy said put her box back so all the straw and paper in the new nest box went on top of the nest and mummy made a pyramid of sticks gently around the nest to the top of the Box so Mousey can get out to feed and drink water from the water bowl. So we have Babies and Mousey is a girl and a Mama!

We also still have Christmas up Mummy said its staying till Candlemas and then she will take it down cause she'll be on w week off work. So we are still enjoy all the pretty stuff for the moment...So what have you all been upto? lots of fun stuff I hope! See you till next time...

                                              xoxo Little Miss Titch

Thursday, 2 January 2025

Happy New Year!

 Hello Blogville its your one and only Gossip Bunny, here to wish you all a Happy New Year from Me and of course my Mummy and Daddy...

So please click on the link below and enjoy our New Year E-Card

Jacquie Lawson Happy New Year E-Card

                                                xoxo Little Miss Titch