Tuesday, 3 December 2024

The Official tour of my Christmas House Starts Here...The Kitchen

 Hello Blogville it's your one and Only Gossip Bunny sharing all her ponderings on all things Christmas and Holiday inspired. We're officially in winter now that we are in December, but this also means that the Christmas Countdown bur everyone has started as well. But not only that it is also the countdown to Hanukkah as well because this year our jewish friends and family are celebrating at the same time...we all get to celebrate together!

So Mummy finally finished decorating the House inside and out for Christmas. Which means the grand tour starts today, and we are kicking of the tour with The Kitchen...Everybody who enters our house comes in through the backdoor so you guys are no different..

Mum re-did the wreath that she hangs outside the back door to welcome everybody in! Hope you all enjoy the Video Tour of our Kitchen....

As alway we put up Angel Speedy's Stocking too, to celebrate with him incase he decides to hope over the Bridge for a visit...He does you know, we have some interest conversations me and him. You will have to come back for the next part of the tour because it would be far to much to show you in one hit!

                                                        xoxo Little Miss Titch


  1. that is the true christmas land... it is not somewhere around northpole it is in UK... we guessed it....

  2. titch…pawsum awesum 🌲‼️🌲💚😺 yur houz lookz total lee way kewl

  3. We have lots of Christmas decoration but none in our kitchen. Yours looks great! We can't wait to see all the rest.

  4. Boy sweet Titch, everything sure does look wonderful!

  5. Tears in my eyes, thinking if Speedy and Nellie.


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