
Wednesday, 18 December 2024

The Big Christmas Cake Reveal

 Hello Blogville it's your one and only Gossip Bunny with all her latest ponderings on all things Christmassy and the Holidays. We are on the home stretch as we all countdown to the big day and I say Big day as this year the start of Hanukkah falls on Christmas Day as well, because that means our Jewish friends and family get to celebrate at the same time as we get to celebrate big Celebration together if only it could be like that every year. 

One big tradition at my house is every year Mummy bakes and decorates her Christmas cakes. The last few years she has done 3 one for us, one for Grandma, and one for her friend Sammy where she works but this year Grandma is spending all of Christmas with us so this year Mummy baked 2 cakes and decorated them. So here they are...This Years Christmas Cakes!

The one with the red sign and house was given to Mummy's friend Sammy last week and the one with the gold sign and the polar bears is ours. They turned out pretty good didn't they?

The Christmas cards have started to arrive and normally my cards go on one door and Mummy's go on the other door but this year that have been coming in with all different sizes so we are sharing both doors so that they fit but we all know that most of them are mine not that we are doing a count this year...

And Mummy also does flowers and wreaths for Daddy's Parents and Uncle's graves. this year she decided on artificial wreaths so they can be used again and fresh flower and foliage arrangements...

Mummy says just because they are no longer with us doesn't mean that we don't get to celebrate with them and I think she is right after all she still hangs Angel Speedy's Christmas Stocking each year too. 

                                                                xoxo Little Miss Titch


  1. JUNE here ... mine Mommy just bumped her nose! She leaned toward the monitor cause she wanted to take a bite of your cake!!! But I told her "no no they are too purrty to eat" ... such a festive holiday in Miss Titch's home ...

  2. titch. mummy made sum pawsum lookin cakez…due ewe get a bit oh a taste…if her made CARROT cakez…ewe could πŸ˜ΊπŸŽ„πŸ’šπŸ˜Ί

  3. Those cakes are so beautiful and we bet they are tasty too! We see our card on your door so we're happy to see it made it across the pond so quickly. Those are lovely arrangements your mom made for the graves.

  4. The cakes sure look most wonderful!


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