Tuesday, 24 December 2024

It's getting oh so close

 Hello Blogville it's you one and only Gossip Bunny with all her latest ponderings on all things Christmas and the holidays. We're getting oh so close to the Big Day. Santa has started his journey across the skies. Me I was doing a bit of this over the weekend.....

Because the excitement really started tomorrow because Grandma has come to stay for Christmas, How exciting is that? Jo-Jo has been to see us for the last couple of days and Baby...well Baby pretty much always come to visit. We have one Hedgehog still feeding which is the one that moved in to the greenhouse and we have another guest in the greenhouse...Mousey. Mousey Moved in a few weeks ago as a little thing and last week mummy saw Mousey was now half grown. Mousey will be staying until spring as s/he has made a nest in a box of sticks. Mummy said it would be cruel to evict Mousey now that its winter so Mousey get its own food dish of peanuts and mixed bird seed so it will leave the hedgehogs food alone and Mummy said Mousey will get one of my treats for Christmas too.....Wait What?!!! Oh I suppose I can let Mousey have one...

We Wish you all a Merry Christmas and hope you all have a fab time. If you click on the link below you can view out Christmas Card...

Jacquie Lawson Christmas Card from Us!

And we wish all our Jewish Pals a Happy Hanukkah too!

Until Next Time xoxo Little Miss Titch


  1. Merry Christmas Titch, mommy and daddy 🥰🎅🎄🐰

  2. Merry Christmas Titch, mommy and daddy 🥰🎅🎄🐰

  3. Merry Christmas Titch and your family! Lee and Phod

  4. merree christmas two ewe titch and yur familee…hope ewe get 57,834 poundz oh timothy hay 💚❤️🎄‼️

  5. Happy Christmas one and all ~ love from JUNE and Ann

  6. We bet you will have lot of fun with Grandma visiting. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Miss Titch.

  7. Merry Christmas to you and your family, sweet Titch!

  8. Merry Christmas from all of us sweet Titch!

  9. Merry Christmas to all of you ! Purrs

  10. We hope you all had a very Merry Christmas.


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