Tuesday, 17 December 2024

A Christmassy visit to Tamar View Garden Centre

 Hello Blogville it's your one and only Gossip Bunny with her latest Christmassy Adventure. This Time we went to Tamar View Garden Centre. And this year they did things differently from previous years...

They also have a restaurant with a section that is pet friendly and they do homewares and gift ideas as well as garden stuff. And outside there is a petshop, and a farm shop and a tractor supply shop too.Another Great place to visit that's for sure.

Next time is the great reveal on the Christmas cakes and some ponderings too...

                                    xoxo Little Miss Titch


  1. Oh my, it's Christmas everywhere ... how stunningly beautiful ... at every turn, in every color and style and shape one could ever want! Truly a magical place. We do have something similar, out in the suburbs, but I went "too early" this year and they were just starting to set it all up ... and now, haven't had time to go back! Mostly, I love-love the photos of you holding little Titch! Merry Merry Christmas to all of you from us ... Ann and JUNE

  2. My goodness, they sure do have lots and lots of pretty things sweet Titch!

  3. Our mom wishes we had a place like that around here. There are so many ornaments and decorations there. What a fun place to visit.


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