Thursday 17 October 2024

Seasonal Ponderings of a Gossip Bunny

 Hello Blogville its your one and only Gossip Bunny with all my latest Seasonal Ponderings...Have you noticed that more and more humans are decorating their homes for the seasons some are decorating for Autumn and Halloween but more and more are decorating for Christmas and the upcoming Holiday Season. Even my own mum is itching to start with decorating for Christmas but so far she is just sticking to the prep of deep cleaning and storing away the nicknacks and stuff that is in the way of where she wants to display it all plus she said there are a few things she wants to order to spruce up the garland for the stairs and she wants to refurbish one of the Christmas trees possibly both so she is waiting for that to arrive before she starts the Christmas Decorations. This year she wants a bit of snow on the trees as the likelihood of having a real white Christmas is slim to none in our neck of the woods, she decided to make her own white Christmas in doors....

Really this is what we both want but in reality we will end up with wet and windy or if we are lucky cold and frosty...cold and frosty is ok but wet and windy is not ok....

Any way going back to Humans putting Christmas up early is it because there is so much horrible stuff going on in the world that they want to create a happy haven free of all the woes of the world? It seems like it to me.

Going off on a tangent Baby stayed most of the afternoon with us yesterday it was wet and miserable so mummy kept going outside with Baby to give a bit of company and she made sure to stand in front of the  side window so Baby could see her and talk to her

And Jo-Jo stopped by for a quick snack when the rain eased off for a bit too!

                                 xoxo Little Miss Titch

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