Monday 7 October 2024

Holiday Ponderings with Little Miss Titch

 Hello Blogville it's your one and only Gossip Bunny with all her latest ponderings on life...

The Holiday Season is fast approaching with Halloween, Diwali, Bonfire Night here in the UK, Thanksgiving both in Canada and the US, Hanukkah, and of course St Nicholas day and Christmas... and Already I am in the mood for some Christmas and Holiday Cheer after all our summer well quite frankly it was mainly wet...nothing cheerful about that! So my main wish for winter this year is some snow and lots of sunshine...cold and dry and certainly NO RAIN!!!! So bored with rain...

This is what I'm Talking about, maybe a little bit more snow than this but not to much we still want to be able to get out and about.... Hey Angel Speedy I hope you have the big guy upstairs ear on this tell him this is what I want....

You know what I'm talking about, Will ya tell the big man upstairs for me? Angel Speedy...Pretty Please? Thanks Angel Speedy Mummy and me love ya!

                                     xoxo Little Miss Titch


  1. we hope we will get a good fall and a good winter after the summer was no summer... it would be fair right?

  2. Nice to see a post from you cutie. I love this time of year the best. XO

  3. Dreary weather in summer is depressing. I'm sure Angel Speedy will put in a request for a bit of snow and sunny weather for your coming winter. (p.s. google finally kept me logged in so my comment won't be "anonymous")

  4. WOW, that is some very happy snuggling with Mama!

  5. We hope you get your wish Miss Titch. If you need some we can probably send some your way since we usually get more than we need. BOL!


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