
Sunday, 12 December 2021

Little Miss Titch's 1st Christmas House and her first Letter to Santa

 Hello Blogville! Its your one and only Little Miss Titch with my Big reveal of my 1st Christmas House and my 1st letter to Santa. But first lets start with my Christmas House.....

Didn't mummy do a fabulous job? I love my Christmas House! Any way time for my first letter to Santa....

I wrote it in a Christmas card and then mummy put in in the post in time for Santa to get it, I don't know if I will get a reply as Mummy said Santa normally only writes back to Children but she said you never know he might make an exception, I hope so cause I would really like a letter from Santa.

An for those who want to know I'm eating on my own and drinking on my own but not much of treats as I don't want them really and not much of my pellet food either so I am still having a few oats, Mummy said she is going to get a different bag of pellet food the baby stuff I used to have as it is smaller to eat so hopefully I will want that...we will see.

That's all for now XOXO Little Miss Titch


  1. The decorations look so pretty! I hope that you are back to eating all your regular food soon, Titch.

  2. Happy 1st Christmas ~ in your oh-so-beautiful Christmas home! We give you an
    A+ on your letter to Santa, for such a wee one you didn't making any spelling
    mistakes!! May all your holiday wishes come true, Miss Titch and to your pawrents, may theirs come true as well (and you return to the best of health!)
    Santa will have his milk 'n' cookies, the reindeer their carrots to much on, and now you must eat all your meals, too!

  3. Hey, how many Christmas trees do you have ? Your Christmas house is pawsome, and that's a lovely letter to Santa. We hope you feel better soon Miss Titch ! Purrs

  4. Sometimes Santa can't read. You ask for toys and get clothes instead.

  5. Wow, your house looks so festive for Christmas, Titch. We hope Santa brings a good appetite and good health for you, sweet friend.

  6. Your house looks great. We hope you feel better soon.

  7. Your home sure looks beautiful! We sure hope you start eating more sweetie Titch, that would make all of us very happy.

  8. Feel better little one! Your house is beautiful, I wish I had the energy to decorate like that! Love from the Carter Crew ❤

  9. Your decorations are so pretty and you have more than one tree! How fun is that? We have our paws crossed that you feel better soon, Miss Titch.

  10. Whoa! Lookit all the fancy decor. The peeps got a real tree today but I might be allergic cos I've been sneezing all night. They hope it's not the tree cos how do you get rid of a Christmas tree before Christmas?

  11. You have so many lovely Christmas decorations. Even if Santa doesn't write back, I'm sure he will read your letter and will heal you feel better. Maybe the little bunny food will also help.

  12. Sorry you are not feeling too tip top, Titch! Hope you get back to healthy eating.
    Your Christmas house is furtastic!! We have several trees here, too...but they are all very small! Not at all impressive as yours are!


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