Sunday, 28 November 2021

Christmas plans for one Little Miss Titch

 Well this year we have some new Christmas trees one is a new 7ft fake that I acquired which is in the lounge but I also decided I wanted a real tree this year so I found a nice characterful Nordmann fir and had it lodging in the garden in a bucket of water.....The Storm Arwen hit us Friday and it did matter how much I secured the tree Nordmann was going to get recked so Nordmann entered the Building Friday afternoon.

Both trees are nearly Decorated. I also acquired a new set of lights....its a huge set which is enough to do both trees so that is what I did. The rest of the house will get done for next weekend and don't worry we will do a big reveal when its all done.

So as its Sunday and its been a while since we did a Sunday Selfie so here she is......

It's time for some Little Miss Titch's Kisses!


  1. Oh! Oh! Miss Titch! I am so furry happy to see you! I, Marv< want to kiss your nose! And we hope you enjoy your trees! If they were at our house, several cats would be trying to climb them. We hope you, and your Pepps have a marvellously happy week!

  2. Your den will be very festive, Miss Titch!! Your first Christmas ever!!

    Your selfie is delightful!

  3. Hello, Miss Titch! Looks like your staff have been very busy getting things ready for your first festive season!
    Enjoy the decorations and glitter and bright lights, and who knows what the BIG S may leave you if you stay as good and sweet a girl as you look,

  4. Lovely selfie, Miss Titch ! We love your cute little nose ! Can't wait to see those fabulous trees ! Purrs

  5. You, Titch will sparkle and shine just like Christmas itelf.

    PS Thank your mum for her kind and helpful advice for my NZ friend's friend about their rabbit. I knew her insights would be very helpful.

  6. Hi Titch! We love your selfie, and it sure is nice seeing you!

  7. You are such a cutie, Miss Titch. We loved getting kisses from you.

  8. That's a sweet selfie Miss Titch and I'll bet you'll enjoy your first Christmas.

  9. Miss Titch, are you going to sample the real tree as a delicacy? Heh heh. Can't wait for the big reveal.

  10. It is almost December and I had better get my tail in gear.

  11. Miss Titch, I hope you enjoy the decorations and the trees! Adorable selfie.


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