
Sunday, 18 July 2021

Sunday Selfies....It's Hot Hot Hot!

 Hi! Its Titch here today. I thought I would try my 1st blogging thingy and my New mummy said that today is Sunday selfies day and would be a good 1st try at this.....

Mummy said this isn't really a selfie but since I'm doing a lot of this in the afternoons and that Mummy said Sundays was also for taking it easy this covers both! Its really nice weather here at the moment but its very Hot so play time it for mornings and a little in the evening.....its Hot Hot Hot!

Right well I'm going to play now before it gets too hot,Hope you all have a great Sunday!


  1. I am looking forward to many many other bloggies from you Titch! You are looking good in your cubby and I know playtime is a joy!

  2. You did a great job on your first blog post and your selfie is so cute, Titch.

  3. Good job Titch, you sure look cozy in your tent!

  4. Excellent job, Titch! You are a natural at selfies! :)

  5. Titch you have to start slow and with the heat you are doing well my friend

  6. Lovely selfie, Titch ! You did a great job on your first blog post ! Purrs

  7. We think you did great.

    The Florida Furkids

    ps - don't forget to send us the shelter/rescue you would like us to donate to.

  8. You are very sensible to stick to cooler playtimes. I remember in Arizona (on a visit) people were walking their dogs at 5 a.m. so they stayed cool so you really do have the right idea!

  9. Hi Titch! I've really been enjoying seeing you here.

  10. Titch, it's very nice to meet you. You did a good job with your selfie. It's been rainy here which has kept the hots away. We hope things cool off for you soon.

  11. I'll trade my hot for your hot.Most summer days it gets over 100F and often 120+F.

  12. I've been doing a lot of that sleeping thing too.


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