Monday, 30 November 2020

Sunday Selfies on a Monday....I know I'm late for a Very important date!

 Hay Guys! I know I'm very late for an important Date! That Date is obviously Sunday Selfies....

The reason why I'm late is because mum had lots of chores to do and it was a lovely warm day more like Spring than winter so she took me out in my stroller for a nice walk and then I even had a little romp about in a field too. See I didn't need my fleece sweater on today! Then it was time to get back for lunch and then Mum for the first time in years put up some Christmas lights in the back garden for us to enjoy. She didn't have many sets left as a lot of the old lights had stopped working and the old twig tree had wore out and she had recycled them and not replaced them but she did buy a little projector which has 2 Christmas slides one with snow flakes and the other with coloured Christmas images so that with the lights she had left and our old snowman it looks quite pretty. Any you'll get to see them soon Because My other important Date is the Launch of my Annual Christmas and Holiday Countdown which Starts TOMORROW!!!!!

That's Right Tomorrow is the 1st day of My Annual Christmas and Holiday Countdown so I need you all to send in your Photo's of you with your trees, in your Christmas outfits, anything to do with the Holiday Season no matter what you Celebrate! Then I will pick my Favourite 3 after my final post on Christmas Day and they will get a little gift for the Holiday in the new year!

So The rules are simple your photos have to be in by 5am on Christmas Morning UK time to be included for the give away!

How Easy is that? I will be doing a post every day right up to the final post on Christmas Day and then I will go over the the photos to Pick my Favourite 3! Isn't that COOL?

Anyway I will See you all here tomorrow for the Start of My Annual Christmas and Holiday Countdown!


  1. It's never too late for Catain Speedy... we are so glad to see you... and even the sun was there to say hello to you

  2. Hi, Speedy! Glad you were able to enjoy a nice day!

    Christmas lights outside would be really pretty.

    Hooray for the countdown. Maybe we will enter your contest...

  3. Hi Speedy! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's Christmas finery!

  4. Lovely sunny selfies! Cold and foggy here in Essex.

  5. Good morning sweet Speedy! I'm a bit late too but it's never too late to catch up with an old friend. You look as happy and beautiful as ever.

  6. It's nice to see you Speedy, you're looking mighty fine!

  7. Hi Speedy!! So glad I stopped by and was able to see you!!!

  8. You look darling and ready for the season sweet Speedy!

  9. speedy ...dood...lookin good buddy; we iz glad ya getted sum out side time N if ya get sum mor... pleez N joy sum fresh airz and grazz N stuff for uz with thanx !!! we haz snowz sew mor N like lee noe window time any mor thiz yeer !!! :) ♥♥

  10. Having a nice outing on a beautiful day is much more important than being on time for a selfie. I'm looking forward to seeing all the Christmas decorations. We won't have many here since it will be impossible to keep our two little kittens out of trouble.

  11. You must be in a weird time zone.

  12. Hi, Speedy! Great you guys got some sun and 'no jacket' weather! All brrr around here and definitely more gloom than glam. The Xmas decos sound wonderful too, and very high tech solution and way more than Mrs H and I ever manage.


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