Sunday, 12 July 2020

New Arrivals at the Hotel Speedy

Meet Pupmite! Pupmite is a new Baby Juvenile Hedgehog.It was brought to our garden by its mum...who we think is Pup. Pupmite has been staying in the middle nest box in our garden...

And this fellow is a young Jackdaw that hangs in the garden all day for the last few days.At first it seemed a bit weak,like it was struggling a bit but now its much bright and flies off and then comes back.Mum and Dad have been feeding it so it can get stronger.Dad reckons there is something not quite right with it but mum reckons its a late developer from this years batch.just unusual to see it hanging around in our garden and not mixing with the others local to where we live.Anyway Bird as Dad calls it is doing much Bird will be at our place at 6.30am tomorrow!Any way meet Bird...

Well that's all for now at the Hotel Speedy!


  1. Wow, it's all happening at your place, for sure! Great to be able to see and help those that need it, and wonderful to see it on film too.
    Heres to everyone getting a great start in life in your place, Speedy!

  2. You sure have some interesting guests at your hotel Speedy!!!

  3. Good to see you Speedy. Wow things are 'jumping' in your garden aren't they! It looks as though Mum's hard work is making a safe and secure garden and how great is this?

    Have a good week and be safe.

  4. How nice to meet the new additions to your yard, Speedy!

  5. Your hotel is so popular, Speedy! We think it's so awesome how you and your family help guests like Pupmite and Bird the Jackdaw. XO

  6. SPEEDY BOAT YOU ARE BACK! Well isn't this a magical Monday? I just came from a beloved blog that great friends and I created years ago but fell untouched for years now. It seems as if old friends are coming out to meet again! Oh it's good to know there is activity at HOTEL SPEEDY! Hugs to you all!

  7. Nice to meet your new visitors ! Purrs

  8. That is some hotel there Speedy, and your guests are first class!

  9. We thought you cottontailed it outta here.

  10. The local wildlife is lucky to have such a lovely garden to call home.

  11. Charlee: "Bird?"
    Chaplin: "Oh, yes, we would love to meet bird."
    Lulu: "Fly away, bird! Fly away!"


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