Sunday, 1 March 2020

Apparently it is supposed to be Spring?!!

Well apparently it is supposed to be Spring now....Well I can't see her,feel her or smell her....So where is she?We have had rain...not warm rain but cold rain since September and its still doing it...I am so bored with it now.Even the Hedgehogs are bored with it.Hogmite moved out of the greenhouse again so mum move his box to the front garden cause he's been hanging around out there so now last night he moved back into the greenhouse into Pup's empty box...Go figure!Anyway mum said she's not moving his box again as he will move out of the greenhouse as soon as the weather gets better and if need be she can release Pup from the greenhouse in her hutch by leaving the big door open on the hutch.Mum said the forecast for next week is the same as this week but it looks like the week after is going to dry up a bit so she thinks Hogmite will move out again, She also said his hormones will kick in and he will start to think about all the ladies out there so he will go off gallivanting what ever that means!Anyway yes Pup is home from the rehab lady and has settled in nicely to her hutch and is eating well,we just need better weather to get her ready for release!

Anyway since its supposed to be Spring here's a photo from last Spring....


  1. We hope Spring shows up soon. In the meantime, your selfie is great.
    The Florida Furkids

  2. Spring seems to take forever to get here after a long winter - we're with you Speedy, it is taking WAY too long!

  3. Yep, Old Man Winter doesn't want to move on!

  4. Congratulations on getting Pup home. With spring weather you'll have more time to enjoy the outdoors and go on adventures.

  5. Handsome as always, Speedy. Spring will come in her own due time. Hang in there.

  6. We had a day of warm the other week and then it ran back to the 20s during a few nights this week. Sigh. Come on Spring!

  7. Oh my poor Speedy. This sounds truly miserable weather. I hope it gets better soon.

  8. cold, damp, dreary here too Speedy. But it is right around the corner - try to be patient...

  9. That's a bummer you have had lousy weather for so long!

  10. Good morning sweet Speedy! Spring will be interesting this year; we are warmer than normal and there is a lot of melting and that is not good for the plants to be soaking in so much well little friend!

  11. I hope the rain stops soon, Speedy! There are some signs of Spring around already, but you need to look very hard and it does feel late this year

  12. speedy....dood.....hogmite soundz like uz catz, changin R mindz bout stuff onlee ta change em bak ta what they waz knot changed two in de furst place !!! :) ☺☺♥♥

  13. I sure hope those rains stop to let things get dry and nice again. Weather like that is so blech...sometimes we need rain, but sheesh, enough is enough! Hope it warms up too.
    Today we were almost 10C, but that is rather a bit warm for this time of the year around here, it tends to confuse the trees especially, and then all the fruit farmers get concerned about the frosts that might ruin their crops...that happened a few years ago, and a lot of apples, etc were destroyed.

  14. Oh all that rain is so dreary but things change on a dime. It’ll be summery overnight. Sending ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️

  15. Hi Speedy! Your selfie is very cute!

  16. Hi Speedy! Spring is playing games at our house too. Some days its bright and sunshiny, while other days are miserable, dark and cold. Today is nice. Tomorrow rumor says we will have rain and tornadoes. Plus everyone is sneezing with spring allergies. Hope you enjoy a wonderpurr day!

  17. Well, Speed, at least you will have some Spring whenever it gets there. Here, in the subtrop colonies we go straight to Summer. Thump!


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