Sunday, 16 February 2020

On the other side of storm Denis

Phew I'm glad that's nearly  over,Denis is pushing away now, its still wet and windy out but not like it was. We're still with out a PC as it is in the middle of being rebuilt so we're relegated to still using the tablet so we can't do links....and with that in mind you need to pay a visit to my Facebook page  with there is a link some where on my side bar of my blog,because mummy managed to upload some new videos of Hogmite the male juvenile the was released  from the greenhouse that you really need to see.
Hogmite had been roaming about doing what hedgehogs do. He would occasionally stop by for a snack in the front garden food station  but not the greenhouse  and after we got hit by the previous storm Ciara  last weekend  and it being wet and windy on and off all week, Hogmite decided to check the greenhouse out on Wednesday night. He enjoy  a meal and drink from there and in the front garden food station  and trundled  off,Thursday night he came back and moved back in to his old nest box and  he is still  there  after eating all the food in the greenhouse. He did go out a couple of times but wasn't keen on the storm as it spooked  him a bit and well it was horrible last night so he stayed in there  dry most of the time. He has lost a  little weight  and picked up a couple of ticks but otherwise looks  in good shape.  We are very happy to have Hogmite back.
Pup is at a local  rehab  as her weight was still going up and down  and sometimes she wouldn't  eat so she is there to figure out what is going on with her for a couple of weeks. The  rahab seems to think she may not  have been  quite  warm enough so the hospital  hutch in the shed has had some extra insulation  added ready for Pup to come back.
Any way we are all ok so here's  a little photo of me!


  1. Glad you're all okay. Dennis was a bit of a Menace!

  2. It isn't only the peeps who suffer from the weather.

  3. Keep safe and warm and spring is coming!!!

  4. I'm sure glad to hear that you are all okay Speedy and we hope Pup gets all better soon.

  5. We're glad Dennis didn't hit you too badly ! Beautiful selfie, Speedy ! Purrs

  6. Glad to hear everyone weathered the storms ok. I hope Pup is better soon and is able to come home. That is a wonderful photo of you. When made bigger, I can see how luxurious your fur is.

  7. Glad to hear the storm is passing, Speedy. We'll keep our paws crossed for the hedgehog <3

  8. Denis was a real pain. We’re glad you guys are okay.

  9. I'm glad Dennis is on his way out! The weather really affects the poor little outside critters.

  10. we lost a chimney, a wall and the garage... and we are glad that evil storms are over now. have you noticed how quiet it suddenly was as the storm was gone? it was totally unreal somehow...

  11. Dear friends, I am so worried about you all in the UK! These types of storms are typical for our coastlines but not yours! I hope there has not been any permanent damage to your gorgeous landscapes and villages and ocean front properties? Be safe and well and know we are thinking of you!

  12. Charlee: "Wow, storm Denis sounds like it did almost as much damage there as dog Dennis used to do around here!"
    Chaplin: "Almost."


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