Sunday, 29 December 2019

Last Sunday Selfies of the Year

Short but sweet from my walk today.....


  1. Speedy, you're a handsome bun-bun.

  2. Hi handsome Speedy. Happy New Year.
    Sue B

  3. That was really sweet! Enjoy your Sunday Speedy.

  4. Nice selfies!! Happy Sunday.

    The Florida Furkids

  5. I see that you're wearing your Sunday finest.

  6. You’re looking really sharp in your blue coat, Speedy. Great selfie to end the year.

  7. Of course, you always look amazing in your selfies Speedy.

    May 2020 be safe, happy and successful for you and your family.

  8. Lovely Selfies, Speedy😸Pawkisses for a Wonderful Week ahead🐾😽💞

  9. Look whose lookin cute as a button!!!
    Speedy iss now Deecemburr 31st now an wee iss furinallee back online! LadyMew had asked Aunty Kanet to send you an email an see if you cuud call last Sunday.....maybee THIS Sunday??
    Sorry wee cuud not send you another photo; gettin hacked ruined efurrything!
    ***purrsss*** BellaDharma an Love LadyMew
    Pee S: Happy MEW Year too!


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