Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Up date on Mr Mickey

Mr Mickey had his second trip to the vets today and had another injection for the Lungworm....Hopefully this will help with his snotty nose.Tomorrow he has another vet appointment where he will get looked over by the vet and if he still has his snotty nose he may get a course of antibiotics as well as his lungworm treatment so keep your paws and fingers crossed for him.Mummy put her foot down with daddy so Mickey has a new temporary home indoors will he is poorly.
Mummy took these before she did his food and water so he's tucked up inside the box at the moment...hopefully he won't mind his new temporary home.


  1. We are all sending POTP to dear Mickey, we sure hope the all better shows up.

  2. Poor Mr Mickey ! We hope he feels better soon ! Purrs

  3. I hope Mickey is better soon!

  4. Mickey will get used to the cushy indoor life with maid service.

  5. Charlee: "We're sorry to hear Mr. Mickey isn't feeling well."
    Chaplin: "We send lots of purrs for him to feel better soon!"


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