
Monday, 21 January 2019

Mr Mickey The Hedgehog Vet trip

Mr Mickey had his trip to the vets today for his next shot.He had his weigh in and he has lost a bit of weight ,he's lost about 80 grams or so and has developed a snotty nose The vet seems to think its the lungworm doing it so he had his shot today and has to have it for another 3 days.The poor little mite is not very well so needs a little POTP and it's possible that even though the greenhouse is insulated He may have to come inside...we will have to wait and see.Anyway here he is just about to go into his nest box....


  1. Poor Mickey. We're purring and praying for him, Speedy!

  2. Poor Mickey, we are all purring very hard that all will be okay.

  3. I am purring lots for Mickey!

  4. Mickey... sending you lots of hugs and POTP. Feel better soon.

  5. Poor guy. I will be praying for him. XO

  6. Oh, may your good care and love bring him healing!

  7. I can't see where the vet would put the needle.


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