Sunday, 30 December 2018

Last Sunday Selfies of 2018.....

Gosh 2018 is coming to a close.Today is the last Sunday selfies of the year....

Friday I got to have another Adventure up on the moors...the weather was weird,it was cloudy again but for a time the sun tried to poke through so mum took these photos as it gave a cool lighting effect!

 it was pretty cold around 3 degrees celsius so I had to double up on my fleece sweaters for warmth.We also saw this cutie...

he was a bit shy!
And now for my Selfie.Though Mummy took this of me in my new carry bag....its like a sling type bag the mum can put across her body and I can look around.I like it and Mummy likes it cause she can see where she is putting her feet on the rough ground.It's so much better for rough terrain when she has to walk to get to where we are going!

Make sure you come back on New years Day cause I will be announcing the winners of my countdown and I know you're all waiting for that!

Mr Mickey and Reggie the Hedgehogs are still chowing down at the Hotel Speedy Restaurant but they have been purging too so we think it won't be much longer before they settle for their sleep!


  1. You weather looks as changeable as ours is right now. It can't make up its mind about downpours or sunshine and C25, Sheesh!!!

    I love your carrier idea. Safer for Mum and you get a great view.

  2. Even if the weather was strange, the scenery is still very pretty, and that was a nice selfie to end 2018 on!

  3. Aww, you guys have had it colder than we have, but you do have nicer scenery, and some wonderful walks and outings. Heres hoping the New Year doesn't come in like a lion!

  4. Good morning precious little boy in his blue jumper! I LOVE YOU SPEEDY and I wish you a adventurous, health and happy new year with mum and dad!

  5. Oh my, Speedy! It looks really cold where you are! And windy, too. We hope your fleecy sweaters are keeping you warm! But what about your ears? Shouldn't you have a hat?

  6. What beautiful photos, Speedy! It's so beautiful and pastoral where you live! Sorry your weather's been so wonky, but we loved seeing you!

  7. That is a wonderful bag of Speedy!!!

  8. You live in such a beautiful place, Speedy!

    Happy New Year!
    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  9. Your career looks very comfy ! Great selfie ! Purrs

  10. That's a nice selfie, Speedy. This weather just can't make up it's mind what it wants to do!

  11. Meow-wow Speedy yore walk on THE moor was pawtastick!!! An THE horse iss purrty cute...LadyMew was 'ohinn an ahinn' a lot!!! Yore selfie iss wudner full...yore such a handsum man bunny....if mee were a bunny...mew mew mew…
    Thanx fore linkin mee upss too!
    ~~head rubsss~~BellaDharma~~

  12. Wonderful selfies to end the year. I hope you have a happy and healthy 2o19! XO

  13. It does look cold there, Speedy, but your beautiful blue coat keeps you warm.

    Mom wants you to leave our name out of the contest. We won last year and want to be sure others have that chance too.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  14. What a cute selfie, Speedy. The moors are very pretty. That was a nice adventure you went on.

  15. We two have run about the slopes, and picked the daisies fine;
    But we’ve wandered many a weary foot, since auld lang syne
    Bliadhna Mhath Ùr 2019
    Sweet William The Scot

  16. Sweet selfie! Loved seeing your countryside. Beautiful and so peaceful looking.

    Happy New Year!!

  17. a may bee knot sew much post ree lated commint 😊

    stopping bye with a new yeerz toon
    wood sure bee nice if this waz joon
    coz oh everee thing we bee a wishin…
    weed bee ona boat N due in sum fishin

    happee new yeer frum de frozen tun dra ~ !!


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