Sunday, 18 November 2018

Its time for a Speedy adventure!

I had a pawsome day Friday ,I had fun at my favourite Beach!

And I left lots of bunny prints in the sand!and then I got to go in my Stroller while mummy went to town for some fish and chips to eat by the beach and I got lots of pets and attention from the local Pawparazzi too!

Now its nearing the time for my Annual Christmas and Holiday Count Down so get yourselves ready with your photos of you with Christmas trees,Menorahs and any other holiday stuff cause its starts December 1st and daily posts right till Christmas Day!So send them into me at or you can post them on my Facebook event when it starts and remember my favourite 3 will get a Christmas present sent out after the New year!
                            Remember I Need You all this Holiday Season!


  1. How fun that you got to visit your favorite beach, Speedy! We won't have a tree this year, sadly.

  2. Friday sure looked like a special day down your way. Such a wonderful blue sky, soft sand between your toes and fish and chips!
    Have a lovely week and I hopes you has some more of that nice weather.

  3. Always love to see your adventures.
    Sue B

  4. That was a fun, fun time there Speedy!

  5. Wow! What a great scene! Speedy, the bunstronaut, exploring Mars. Somebun ought to write a story about your EBA 😉 Well done, my friend.

  6. We plan to holiday our house next weekend and will be able to make a submission then.

  7. Looks like you had a lot of fun. Great selfies.XO

  8. You had a good time and I LOVE the action shot! Woe our tree might not go up until early December (the American are INSANE many has trees up now!)

    Happy Sunday Selfie from the Dash Kitten Crew

  9. Chaplin: "Wow, that's one giant litter pan, Speedy!"
    Charlee: "It's not a litter pan, Chaplin. It's a beach."
    Chaplin: "Is that another word for litter pan?"
    Charlee: "Remind me never to take you to the ocean."

  10. What a wonderful day for a trip on the beach ! It looks like you had a lot of fun ! Purrs

  11. You look like you had a great fun day!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  12. Meow speedy you look so so happy to bee at THE Beech!! Ourss iss covurred under snow, MOL!! Furry wonder full pho-toess mee deer frend.
    An once Chanukkah startss mee try to take a pho-toe...not sure what to xpect….butt it does sound like fun...Dreidlss are kewl mee can tell you!
    **paw patsss** BellaDharma

  13. We think you had a splendid adventure, Speedy. Good to see you out and about.

    We don't have any Christmas decorations up yet, but soon. And we will work on a photo for you.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  14. Speedy you're so adorable! I just love your little mouth! You remind me of my precious rescue Curtis!

  15. Aww Speedy, you pawtigraphed the sand! How nice! That will be a special treat for those visiting the beach! Have your ears healed all up now? Just wondering. Luv you.

  16. You are so ridiculously cute from behind in that first picture, Speedy!

  17. Not too beachy around here of late...but yours sure looked like quite the fun place, even if it was chilly! Glad you got to have sunshine only peeked out here late in the day.

    No festive decor here as yet...but one of these days...

  18. Oh Speedy, you are SO long have I known you now son, eight, nine years? You just dazzle every time. That first photo of your little backside....then that last photo of your little mouth....LOL! ADORABLE!

  19. Lovely beach, wish I could have joined you.Especially having fish and chips at the beach wow. Hope your ears are better.

  20. Speedy, You look so adorable from the mommy just squeezed with delight at the sight of you.

  21. What a fun adventure. I bet people wonder why they're seeing bunny prints on the beach.

  22. Speedy, that first photo of you jumping around is adorable! Your adventure was so much fun.

  23. Speedy, that sure does look like a great beach outing. We loved seeing you hopping down that path. :)


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