Tuesday, 9 October 2018

Speedy is at the vets some POTP is needed

Hi This is Speedy's mum,Just to let everyone know Speedy is back at the vets as we found a weird lump that bleed a bit and he's having surgery this afternoon to remove it.We're very worried at the moment as anesthetic is risky with rabbits.I'll update you all when I know more.Please keep him in your thought please our boy needs the POTP right now,

Thank you
Rachel Speedy's Mum


  1. Oh dear, our most powerful purrs and prayers are headed to dear Speedy.

  2. We have our paws crossed for you Speedy and hope your surgery goes well.

  3. Sending prayers for Speedy ASAP!
    All my love and best thoughts ever for this special little guy!
    Get well soon, Speedy.

  4. Rachel, you have all the POTP we can muster and lots of prayers from Mom for all of this to go well for Speedy and for you.

    Hugs and Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber and Mom

  5. I hope the vet does a great job and pulls him out of trouble.

  6. hello speedy its dennis the vizsla dog hay i am sending lots of vizsla tail wags yore way!!! and the hipster kitties send purrs!!! ok bye

  7. Paws are crossed for your sweet boy!
    Pia with Lotta, Lemon and Gandalf

  8. I saw the post on Facebook - it sounds like the POTP are helping! I'm continuing to purr for him until he is home.

  9. Oh! We just saw this. :( We have been purring and praying for Speedy, and we hope he will be okay. Hugs.

  10. Paws crossed and purrs on his way ! Purrs


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