Sunday, 15 July 2018

Sunday Selfies

Hey everyone,This week has been pawful cause mummy had to work some extra shifts.....she even worked this morning!!!!!!Anyway here are some photos from yesterday morning from our little early morning adventure....

 Hmmm I feel Nellie here abouts joining in my fun!!!!

Now for the Selfies....


  1. Great to be out and about first thing in the mornings, and I love to do my thing undisturbed. I hope Nellie came and had a run with you, Speedy, I'm sure she would have enjoyed it very much.
    Toodle pips and fun morning purrs

  2. beautiful photos - I love the way the sun shines through your ears Speedy!

  3. Hey, Speedy! Too bad your mum had to work extra, but at least you got to have that morning adventure. Looks like it was fun, and Nellie made her presence known too. How cool! :)

  4. Extra work means extra pay which means better and more food for Speedy.

  5. Mee-you Speedy yur lookin pawtastick inn yur fotoss! An wee ADOOR yur second selfie!!!
    Thee Sun lookss sorta *hot* there! Iss hue-mid an *hot* here today an mee iss stayin inn-side; even too *hot* fur mee!
    **nose bumpsss** Siddhartha Henry xXXx

  6. That's a nice adventure you had, and some nice selfies, Speedy. We are so sorry Mum had to work those extra shifts!

  7. Nice photos, Speedy. Bummer about your human having to work so much. :-(

  8. You sure are looking mighty fine Sir Speedy!

  9. Another fun adventure for you, Speedy. Tell your Mum not to work so hard.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  10. You have to be one of the most beautiful rabbits out there. Look how proper and clean you are...I can see the morning sun right through those ears of yours, OH SPEEDY, you are a delight.

  11. Well at least she had the sense enough to take you out on an adventure yesterday! Humans work way way too much, don't they?! I like you in that field of green Speedy. Hugs and cuddles.

  12. Oh, Speedy, that must have been Nellie for sure :D You look marvellous in your Selfies :) Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend :) <3

  13. Well sometimes the humans have to work to keep you in carrots and tasty treats!

    Make sure you get extra!

  14. It's awful when the humans need to work extra. Looks like you had a wonderful outing, and you took handsome selfies.


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