Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Time for A Mickey the Hedgehog update!

Just when we thought Mickey was doing so well and he has gone off his food a bit and got some funky poops and lost lots of weight.So mum weighed him on the weekend and he was 458 grams today he was 417 grams so she rang the vets and they said to bring him up to start another course of injections for parasites.Mickey had his first one today and will have to have another 2 one per week hopefully that will clear everything up.Its possible that Mickey may be a bit immune deficient which means every so often parasite overwhelm him and he gets poorly.Which is probably why he has continued to live in the greenhouse and doesn't go very far....he probably doesn't even leave the garden.He must realise he gets looked after and made to feel better every time he feels poorly.So mum will weigh him next week before he has his visit so the vets can give the right amount of medication for his next injection.Please give Mickey so Power of the Paw so he gets better real quick!


  1. Poor Mickey - I am sending healing purrs his way!

  2. Hiya Mickey! We sure are going to be purring fur you to gets better furry soon!

  3. Dang! We're all sending POTP and purrs to sweet Mickey and we hope the all better shows up soon!

  4. aww.....sorree wee dood......sendin st francis' blessingz yur way ~~~ ♥♥♥ we hope ya getz better N stayz better ♥♥♥ ~~~

  5. We send Mickey tons of purrs and hope he feels better soon. Purrs

  6. Yes, you have to keep the weight up to be healthy. Get better.

  7. Oh, Mickey, I hope you’re feeling better soon!

  8. Mee iss sendin trip-pull POTP to Mickey fur sure!! Poor littul hedgey!!! Aunty Rachel yur so kind to take care of him!
    ~~~head rubsss~~~ Siddhartha Henry~~~

  9. That was nice of your Mum to bring him to the vet. Get well soon Mickey!

  10. Good morning, Dr. Speedy! I so hope dear Mickey will gain the properly bulk to make him a happy, healthy hedgehog. You and mum are SO GOOD about caring for the sweet, solitary creatures of the garden!

  11. Poor Mickey. We are so thankful that your Mum looks after him so well. We're purring and praying for that little one!

  12. We hope Mickey will be OK - I will be sending him POTP!!

    Hugs, Teddy

  13. Mickey is really lucky to have your Mom taking such good care of him. I hope he's feeling better and plumps up soon.

  14. Mee-you Speedy an Aunty Rachel wee missed this uppydate an wee apawlogize. How ISS Mickey doin now??? Did hee get over thee parry-site an put on weight??? Mee sends POTP an bee-lated ~~head rubsss~~ to Mickey~
    **nose rubsss** neffkitty Purrince Siddhartha =^,.^=


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