Sunday, 20 May 2018

Sunday Selfies....Vacations and updates

Hi Everyone Yes you saw right yesterday I'm back after my Vacation at Uncle Colin's and I have an Update on Mr Mickey the Hedgehog too but first things My Selfie!
Hurry up mummy everyone wants to know I'm back!

So as you know I went to my Uncle Colin's while mummy and Daddy were away.So I joined Mr Mickey as he was there recovering from being poorly after having his vet treatments.More about Mickey later on.So this is some photos that Uncle Colin sent mummy of me on my Vacation....

Me Chowing down at teatime!
and me enjoying some garden time in the nice weather!

And me happy to be back in my own Garden!

And me Happy to be home!Ok on to Mr Mickey....

Uncle Colin nursed Mr Mickey back to full health while I was there and got him up to 700g in weight so while mummy was away he took him home and put him back in the greenhouse as he was going up there to feed the other Hedgehog under the shed....we've come to the conclusion that that one is Reggie and He came back for the winter and has decided to stay for a bit any way both Hogs have been chowing down every night on the dinner that Uncle Colin was leaving for them and they have been leaving lots of poop messages all over the gardens in thanks for room and board!So all is good at the Hotel Speedy as mum mad sure the birds had plenty too while we were away!


  1. Speedy, dude, it is great to see you! And I have to say that you look radiant white too! You will have to share your health regime secrets MOL
    Awesome news about both hogs, and cant wait for more photos later when they up for the selfies!
    Toodle pips & purrs

  2. It sounds like everyone did well on the vacation!

  3. When I saw your photo on Instagram yesterday, I was SO DELIGHTED!!!!! It's so good to see that Uncle Colin took such good care of our Speedy boy, and that the hedgehogs are thriving! Oh Speedy, what fun spring adventures await you? I am just so glad you are back home and that mum and dad enjoyed their time off. Now, to make magic in your garden for us to enjoy!

  4. Lovely photos! Glad you enjoyed your vacation Speedy!

  5. Sounds like you had a nice vacation with your Uncle Colin, but it's always nice to get home again, isn't it? Glad to hear Mickey is doing well! :)

  6. Welcome home! We're glad you and your parents both had a nice vacation, and that Mr. Mickey is doing well.

  7. I'm glad you're back home and that your Mom and Dad had a good vacation. I'm glad Mickey and Reggie are doing well too.

  8. You selfies are wonderful Speedy and we're glad that Mickey is doing well now!

  9. Woo Hoo!! Well come back Speedy!! Well come back Aunty Rachel an Unccle Nick!!! Soundss like efurryone had a wunderfull VACA! An HURRAH fur Unccle Colin nusin Mickey back to health! Wee LUV a happy endin!
    ~~~head rubsss~~~ Siddhartha Henry~~~

  10. Speedy, we love your selfie today! Hooray that Uncle Colin nursed Mickey back to health (and that Reggie's back for a visit). :)

    Big hugs!

  11. Great selfie, Speedy ! Being home feels good, right ? We're glad to hear good news about Mr Mickey. Purrs

  12. Speedy! It is wonderful to see you back at your home! It sounds like Mr. C took good care of you though while your mum was away. That is just splendid to hear that Mickey is back to feeling himself. I hope that Reggie stays healthy. Head nuzzles. -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews

  13. I am glad your family had a good holiday and you are back home too. That is good news about Mickey.

  14. Hedgehogs leave poopie messages? MOUSES! I never knew.

  15. Glad everyone is doing well.XO

  16. hello speedy its dennis the vizsla dog hay that is grayt nooz all arownd i am glad the hedgies ar dooing wel and not having to tern to lives of ninja hedgehog krime!!! and their is nuthing like wuns own gardin to sit in am i rite??? ok bye

  17. dood....wavez two ewe buddy; nice ta see ya bak thiz way, yur holiday lookz like it was way kewl fun ~~~ hope mum N dad had az grate oh time N we R happee ta heer mickey's doing sew well :) ♥♥

  18. Sounds like everyone had a great vacation but it's always nice to be back in the comforts of home.

  19. Hey Speedy, I've missed your adventures while I've been gone!

    I'm glads to hear you're back home, theres no place like home (pffft nah i'm not quoting the wizrd of oz, what ;) ) BOL!

    Love Milo xo


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