Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Speedy's Christmas and Holiday Countdown 6th December!

Hi Everyone its Day 6 of my Countdown!We're getting Closer to the big day when we get a visit from the big guy in red....are you excited?I know I am!Anyway we have more entries so lets show them of to you starting with Dex of Fidose of Reality.....
He's a cutie for we have one Miss Cathy Keisha showing us how to go site seeing in style when she went to the Rockefella Center...
and the Nativity at St Patrick's Cathedral last year you can read all about it HERE

Didn't CK have a great trip?Now I know you all want to see the big tree here at the Christmas House of Speedy so here it is in all its Glory!
We will post more photos of the Christmas House of Speedy as the Days go on.Now on to important stuff the Card count has started with me being in the lead.... I have 2 paper cards and 2 E-cards while mum only has 1 paper card!

Now don't forget there is plenty of time to enter my Count down by sending your photo's of you and you decorations to or by posting them straight to my Facebook event here! All entries will be posted both here and on my Fcaebook event and will run everyday with the final post on Christmas Day!And my Favourite 3 will get a surprise gift after the main day to carry on the holiday spirit.....cause no one wants it to end do they?


  1. Whoa! Pawsome tree! That Rockerfeller tree was the biggest one I've ever seen. Thanks for featuring me.

  2. We are finally getting around to decorating the tree (which has been up since the weekend).

  3. We sure are enjoying the photos Speedy!

  4. Wow, your tree looks great.

  5. Your Christmas tree is a very nice one, Speedy.

  6. Dex doggie iss hansum an Stunnin Keisha gurl iss lookin furabuluss!
    Yur tree iss amazin Speedy!
    ~~~head rubsss~~~ Siddhartha Henry~~~

  7. What a lovely way to celebrate Speedy. We will work on outperform holiday pictures this weekend. We are behind as the peeps have been away.

  8. Did they go to the Christmas show at Radio City?

  9. love CK and Dex! So good seeing them here! I have a bunch of cards that I received that I haven't opened yet :( Can't mail mine til the 18th so I am waiting to open these for a few days. I feel so bad that I can't send them out yet but I will! DakotasDen

  10. I LOVE CK and Dex and I forgot to say how much I enjoyed seeing Brian's Home yesterday, And I must say Though the Rockefeller tree is so very beautiful, I think YOUR Tree is the best!

  11. Your tree looks awesome, Speedy! We've just started decorating ours.

  12. Good morning Santa Speedy! The day is coming! It's always fun to countdown with YOU! Give mummy a nose nuzzle!

  13. Your Christmas tree is gorgeous, Speedy ! Purrs


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