
Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Speedy's Christmas and Holiday Countdown 12th December!

Hi everyone its day 12 of my countdown....that means its less than 2 weeks till Christmas Day!I'm getting so excited now!So today we are showing some more photos of my Christmas Crib....mum said she will do a video when she is on day off with the lights on so it looks it's best but for now these will have to do!
So this is the Nativity under the tree this belonged to mummy's grandmother from her dad's side and was passed to mummy from her dad and mum,its about a hundred years old and mummy said grandpa use to put it under the tree in a really big display but they use to have a real tree back Mummy puts it under the tree too but not in such a big display as we don't have the space in the passage way
and if you look closely you can see those ornaments are on our tree too....
Now on to the Card count I still have the same amount 7 paper cards and 10 E-cards and mummy now has 5 paper cards with one from her work and one from Buncle Fleetie....

Now don't forget there is plenty of time to enter my Count down by sending your photo's of you and you decorations to [email protected] or by posting them straight to my Facebook event here! All entries will be posted both here and on my Fcaebook event and will run everyday with the final post on Christmas Day!And my Favourite 3 will get a surprise gift after the main day to carry on the holiday spirit.....cause no one wants it to end do they?


  1. That is a beautiful Nativity Speedy!

  2. The most vintage of our ornaments here only go back about 25 years... my human has nothing from her family, unfortunately.

    1. Bummer. Some of our treasured stuff was made by dear ones who passed and live on with us-especially in December.

  3. That nativity is really nice, Speedy!

  4. So pretty. You are so lucky to have that.
    Sue B

  5. What a beautiful Nativity set you have there, and how special that it is a family heirloom!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  6. Berry kewl scene there Speedy!
    An yur door iss purrfect fur cardss issn't it???
    **nose bumpsss** Siddhartha Henry xXXx


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