Thursday, 23 November 2017

Happy Thanks Giving!

We want to wish all our pals in the USA a Happy Thanks Giving and while this isn't a Holiday here in the UK we do have lots of family and friends over there so we kinda of like to join in a little.So today we are Thankful for knowing every single one of you and being a part of your lives.We are also thankful that Mickey the hedgehog is still chowing down his dinner every night though we think that won't be for much longer as the weather is turning colder again and he sometimes only snacks a little on the colder nights so he will soon be settling down for his winter sleep.Enjoy your dinner today weather its turkey or something else and stay warm those of you who have snow or have snow on its way!Happy Thanks Giving My Friends!

And just a little reminder my Christmas and Holiday Count down start on the 1st December so its time to start thinking about sending in your Holiday photo's of you and your trees and decorations but We will tell you more about that on Sunday!


  1. Thank you for the Thanksgiving wishes!

  2. SPEEDY BOY!!!!!!!!!!!! I too am thankful for every breath I take, for every kind friend I have, and even for those who are not so kind to me....they keep me on my toes to try to be a better me. For all things, let's be grateful. And I'm grateful for YOU. You always bring me joy. Give mummy a hug and let her know how wonderful she is.

  3. Oh, Speedy, thank you bunches! Hop on over for a roasted cawwot if you feel like it 😉

  4. Tomorrow is also a holiday. Stay at home and avoid the madness.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!! Enjoy your day with friends and family. And thanks for being our friend.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  6. Thank you so much, Speedy! We are so grateful for you, and for your friendship!

  7. We are so thankful for you Speedy!!
    Jakey, Arty & Rosy

  8. hello speedy its dennis the vizsla dog hay thank yoo verry mutch and happy belayted kwazi thanksgiving to yoo!!! i am happy that yore hedjhog frend is dooing wel i am stil hoping he may put in a gud wurd for me with the ninja hedjhogs sum day!!! ok bye


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