Sunday, 15 October 2017

Sunday Selfies....Autographs and Updates

Hi everyone,I hope your having a great weekend....mine has been quiet so far for me but who knows what today may bring!
I did manage to get out for a short adventure one afternoon this week and as you can see some of the trees have lost their leaves already!
And some still have some leaves but are full of pretty colours....Isn't that a great view?But for now I leave you with my Autograph!

Just a little update on Mickey the Hedgehog.Mummy was a little worried about him as he was doing funny sticky snotty poops which is a sign something is not right except for just before they hibernate then they do this type of poop to purge themselves in prep for their winter sleep and its to early for that.So mum kept Mickey in the back garden for a few days and checked him over.She ended up removing around 10 tics....big ones from his body....nasty horrible things!And then kept an eye on his poops....they improved and went back to normal so that is why he was digging and scratching him self in the webcam videos as she couldn't see any fleas on him.So Mickey is back to coming and going as he pleases so hopefully that was the problem....keep you paws crossed for him.....oh and the unwanted guest rat well it hasn't been back either so all is good at my place!


  1. Poor Mickey, with those awful ticks - I'm so glad your human helped him out with that. I'm sending some purrs his way in case he needs them.

  2. What a lovely place for an adventure. Glad you could help Mickey with the ticks

  3. Awwww poor Mickey, glad your mum managed to get all those nasty ticks off him.

    Happy Sunday little buddy and great selfies ❤️


    Basil & Co xox

  4. So glad your mom got those horrid things off I'm, and so good she knows about such things. Observation is key, for sure! Your selfies are a delight, and all that lovely grass was just for you, too. I bet it was a nice outing with the sun and the views.
    Toodle pip and purrs

  5. OH DEAR, poor Mickey! But mummy is such a good critter nurse! Speedy, how lucky you are to be safe and sound with mummy and daddy who love you and the other sweet creatures so much. And for that rat? STAY AWAY! The ticks too!

  6. Speedy.... what beautiful photos... Love them.

    Have a great day.

    hugs, Bugsy, Knuckles, and Lou

  7. You look terrific Speedy! Purrs to sweet Mickey from all of us.

  8. That is a fab pawtograph, Speedy! We're glad Mickey is doing better now and our paws are crossed for it to stay that way.

  9. Speedy! Great selfies today. We like seeing you out there with the leaves. Sorry to hear about Mickey and the ticks, but we are glad your Mum helped him out. And that he is doing so much better. :)

  10. We're lucky here-no fleas or ticks in the desert.

  11. Great selfies. Ticks are awful, I wonder if she could put a treatment on him like they have for cats to kill the ticks.

  12. Those ticks are horrible. Hope you don't get any on you. Nice you can get outside and enjoy the fresh air.

  13. Oh, those naughty ticks ! Poor Mickey, we're glad your mom could help him ! Great selfies ! Purrs

  14. Tics are real nasty beings ! And dangerous.
    We are happy to know that Michey feels better.
    Speedy it's a real nice selfie, with your sunny ears !
    Douce soirée
    Natacha and Hisia

  15. You need a sign for that spot that says ticks and rats not allowed:) Hope you get to go on a fun adventure today, Speedy.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  16. Sticky tickyss' are just plain icky Speedy! Glad Aunty Rachel got rid of them off Mickey! **shuddersss**
    An yur fotoss are furabuluss. Lookin mitey fine mee furend.
    Iss rainin katss an doggiess here so goin to have a berry l-o-n-g nap mee finkss....
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xXx

  17. We are so glad your Mama removed all the icky ticks from Mickey...
    We love your selfie and autograph this week, Speedy!
    Jakey, Arty & Rosy

  18. Speedy, our Mama thinks you are such a handsome boy! We love your autographed photo :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  19. Awful ticks. So glad he's doing better. Have a great week Speedy.
    Sue B

  20. Speedy, that is an exceptionally handsome selfie of you. And the view is magnificent. Is their anything you can do to keep the ticks off of Mickey. It sounds as if they could be very detrimental to his health. So happy he is better. Thanks for being our "official" hopper. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  21. Yuck, I hate ticks! It's good that your mom got them off of poor Mickey. Your selfies are wonderful! :)

  22. You're looking great, Speedy! We're glad Mickey is doing better now. Ticks are are real pain!

  23. glad you could help Mickey! As always, love your countryside! catchatwithcarenandcody

  24. Oh Speedy, you are lookin' mighty handsome dude! Loooooves the autograph! I am so happy Mickey is okays now! Paws up to your Moms for gettin' those nasty ticks off him! yay!
    Ruby ♥

  25. We just love seeing you outside, sweet Speedy. Tell your Mom we thank you very much for taking such good care of Mickey.

  26. OMB, we are so happy to have your autograph, Speedy! And we are also so glad that Mickey is doing better. Those ticks sure can be nasty.

    We also want to thank you for sending good thoughts to our pup Astrid!

  27. Thank Cat your mom is around to get the ticks out of Mickey. That little fellow needs such a good paw🌹 You look pretty handsome, Speedy. Can I have an autograph😸Pawkisses for a Sunny Day😽❤😻

  28. Wow, your Mom is very talented to be able to remove ticks from a hedgehog.


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