Sunday, 24 September 2017

Sunday Selfies and Mickey the Hedgehog update!

Well its time for Sunday Selfies with the Cat on My Head
This is me looking for a smugglers cave on holiday a couple of weeks ago....I think I was successful!
And Mummy Snapped these fellows yesterday while she was out but I don't know they seem a bit wooden to me....hehehehe...

Now we have a major Update on Mickey the Hedgehog.....
Well the day before we came home from our little Vacation Mickey went walk about so mummy still left some dry food and meal worms down in the greenhouse every night in case he came back.She also cleaned out his nest box and put some fresh hay in side in case he decided to come back.....
Well Tuesday night after going walk about for a week he came by for a visit and a snack so mummy left him a full dinner of his wet cat food and dry food and meal worms on Wednesday night but it rained really heavy that night so he didn't come by,but she still left him his full dinner Thursday night.....and yes he came by and mummy thought he had moved back in to the nest box but she wasn't sure.So Friday night she set up my webcam under the carport where he comes down to the green house to see if he was just stopping by for dinner or if he had moved back in....well she had the angle set up wrong and didn't catch any thing on camera but he was still eating the dinner that mummy left for him and he was leaving us a present of poop and pee mail in thanks.Last night mummy reset the angle of the web came and this time she got it right if he went past he would get filmed no matter what time he went past.
So mummy checked the footage of the web cam and no Mickey but he ate his dinner last night and left double poop and and pee mail in thanks.....So you know what that means don't you?Yes Mickey has moved back in to the green house and we are very happy about that!Of course he may go walk about from time to time but that's OK too

Now Here is your final REMINDER to vote for the best dressed Pirate at my party this week,Voting closes Midnight tonight so Visit yesterdays post to Vote.....Voting Time is 'ere.....Vote For Thee Best Dressed Pirate


  1. Excellent news about Mickey, the little dude has the perfect winter hideaway too thanks to your mom. Ooh I love your pirate selfie on the sea shore. Did you find any smuggled Nip and cream doubloons?
    Have a lovely week.
    Toodle-oo and purrs

  2. Good morning Sir Speedy, or er, CAPT'N MI CAPT'N!!!!!!

    I hope your party went well and now it's time to come ashore and settle in with Mickey. He is a darling little chap and I hope he continues to thrive in your greenhouse! Hugs to you and mum!

  3. YAY! Mickey is BAAAACK! We also love your selfie today Speedy - were you visiting your pirate stash in that cave?

    Love, Teddy

  4. That looks like a great cave to hide some loot, Speedy. Nice to know Mickey has been back too! :)

  5. Lovely update about Mickey and how exciting to discover a smugglers' cave!

  6. We love your selfie, Speedy. And that is great news about Mickey being back. :)

  7. You sure are looking great Speedy and we're glad that Mickey is doing good too!

  8. So now you have an action movie of grass growing. How did the movie end?

  9. WOO HOO!!! Reggie iss 'inn thee house" sso to speek! Wunderufll newss Speedy.
    An yur selfie iss pickture purrfect! An those bunnies look a bit stiff don't they?? Mew mew mew....
    **nose rubsss** Siddhartha Henry xxxx

  10. That's a nice selfie by the cave, Speedy. I am glad Mickey has come back.

  11. Great selfie, Speedy ! And we're glad Mickey is back and feeling good ! Purrs

  12. Nice selfie, Speedy! And I'm glad that Mickey is back!

  13. We would much rather see you, Speedy, than those wooden fellas:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  14. You have a brother for life, Speedy, isn't that amazing😸 Pawkisses for an Easy Sunday😽❤😻

  15. Oh Speedy, you are lookin' as handsome as evers! I am soooooo happy to hears abouts Mickey! and the poopies he is leaving...hehehe
    Ruby ♥

  16. It is good to her about Mickey, the food must be very welcome to him.

    Your selfie (?) YOU look PAWsome!!

  17. That's nice that Mickey moved in again no wonder he wouldn't find such a 5* hotel elsewhere ! We also had a hedgehog for a while and he used to eat together with the cat. That was real cute !

  18. Well done Speedy. You have to keep a rabbits eye out all the time fur those smugglers. Glad Mickey has come home again. He is a nice fellow
    Timmy and Family

  19. Hello Speedy,
    Nice selfie. I would love to come and visit the cave. I am a great explorer.
    We are happy to see that Mickey is back. He has everything he needs in your green house.


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