Sunday, 13 August 2017

Sunday Selfies

Yes it is time for me to join in with Sunday Selfies so here we are ....its chilly and more like Autumn...
So I'm going to stay right here snuggled up with mummy....


  1. Oh my hasn't it just been a horrid week. In this draughty palace it might have just been winter. Still you look as snug as a bunny in a blanket, which is where I shall head now. Hope next week warms up for us all.

  2. We enjoying the cooler weather as well. Still have the fans going though. Nice selfies, and Happy Sunday!

  3. Aw, that's a nice, cozy, snoozy selfie, Speedy. :)

  4. You sure look snuggly cute Speedy!

  5. Nice cozy selfie!

    Thanks for the prayers and support for our Daddy.

    The Florida Furkids

  6. So you are having more of a snuggly Sunday than a selfie one - whatever works, right, Speedy?

  7. Coucou Speedy,
    I sure that your summer will come back.
    For the moment you found the best place.

  8. I LOVE this! You look so darned cosy and snuggled up tight with your mum.

    A lovely picture indeed.

    Happy Sunday Selfie

    The Dash Kitten Crew

  9. What a sweet selfie!
    Have a super Sunday...

    Noodle and crew

  10. You are such a cutie Speedy. XO

  11. It has been the same non-summer weather here. Stay cozy.

  12. You look so-o relaxed an cozy Speedy....mmm Autumm iss comin...HURRAH!!! Mee iss dun with Moss-quitoess an hot sun fur sure!
    Grate selfie bye thee way...
    ***nose rubsss*** Siddhartha Henry xXx

  13. AWWWWWW Speedy baby, it's just like autumn here too. We've had the wettest August that I can remember, and for the last several nights, we've been drinking hot tea under a down blanket! You look mighty comfortable there mi man....

  14. Nice selfie!

    It's warming up again in London.

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  15. you look very cosy there Speedy...

  16. What a nice, snuggly selfie! Makes me want to snuggle up and take a nap. :)

  17. Oh I LOVE snuggles with Mummy! By the way.. you're the first rabbit I've ever met! I've seen some possums near our house but never a bunny - I can't wait to follow your adventures and see what you get up to! Lots of love.. your new friend Morrie!

  18. hello speedy its dennis the vizsla dog hay yoo luk verry comfy all snuggeld up!!! i like to snuggel with mama too and sumtimes eeven with dada!!! ok bye


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