Sunday, 9 April 2017

Sunday Selfie #GET TOUGH Give away

Hi every one Yesterday was ASPCA's #GET TOUGH on Dog Fighting day so we have a Special Selfie for that....well Dad took it.....hehehe.So Today I'm helping the @ASPCA fight for the victims of dog fighting.Lets #Get Tough on this ugly
Mummy said you'll have to excuse her not looking her best as she was make up free and has been in the garden all day.....
Every Year the ASPCA hold this campaign and This Year Patrick Stewart is getting involved here he is with Ginger his Foster Dog.So please join in and help spread the awareness of  National Dog Fighting awareness Day and #Get Tough on this crime!
Also for one lucky reader we have a #Get Tough gift pack to give away to one lucky reader which contains:
 A Get Tough on Dog Fighting Bandana
 A #Get Tough Sticker
 A Anti Dog Fighting T-Shirt
 An ASPCA Frisbee
 And a ASPCA Tote Bag

All you need to enter is to leave a comment below in this post you have till Friday to enter and then I will pick out the winner my self which mummy will film and post on Sunday Next week.

The prize will be shipped direct to the winner from the ASPCA.


  1. We're not fans of Michael Vick.

  2. Very cool that Patrick Stewart is involved. You look great Speedy.

  3. What an important cause. There is no need for dog fighting, we really do need to make the laws stricter on this and all animal cruelty.

  4. I sure wish the ASPCA would do something serious here, dog fighting and cock fighting are only misdemeanors and are rarely prosecuted.

  5. Pawsome selfie for a pawsome cause!

    The Florida Furkids

  6. What a cute selfie, Speedy! We support the #gettough more dog fighting!

  7. Hi Speedy! Yay for you and Mum, and for Patrick Stewart and the ASPCA for speaking out about the evils of dogfighting!

  8. Hi Speedy! I think you look like a Bun that means business! That is a mighty fine cause you're supporting, and in great company too. Lets Make it so!
    Purrs, ERin

  9. Oh Speedy, this is most FABulous!!!! I saw his video, and I just swoooooned! I am so glad you are sharing this impawtent information my furiend!!!
    Ruby ♥

  10. well done Speedy and mom!!!! let's show this cruelty people the paw... and we hope together we can stop this madness...

  11. SPEEDY! Mummy is so beautiful regardless if she is made up or not! And look at YOU! In comparison to mum, you are quite the large bunny! teeehehehee

    GET TOUGH, yes! There is so much we people of the world have to get tough on. So much nonsense happening in the world and the abuse of creatures is wrong. Thank you for the awareness!

  12. Well done by both of you! And what could be better than the whole day in the garden? Speedy, you supervised, right?

  13. Speedy a few things 2 ) Your Mum looks awesome to us OK - We garden, we know, she looks PAWsome! 2) Bravo and thank you for the #GetTouch campaign promotion - so many repercussions happen as a result of dog fighting it is too terrible to contemplate. So thank you.

  14. Oh and (apologies) Happy Sunday Selfie - we leapfrogged everyone to reach you via the BlogPaws boost page :-)

  15. What a great cause! Laws need to be stricter everywhere in the world with regards to dog fighting! It is a deplorable thing to do to man's/woman's /children's, best friend!

    the critters in the cottage xo

  16. Hi Speedy! Great to meet you and I love your message against dog fighting, one of the worst forms of cruelty. What a cutie you are!

  17. Yes! Paws up against the fights, Speedy. Well done👍 O, and your mom looks terriffic😻Pawkisses for a Happy Tuesday😻❤

  18. I love this campaign. And I love it that Patrick Stewart got involved this year. His love affair with that foster is just amazing to see. She has really changed his life!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  19. Absolutely adorable selfie of you and your mom, Speedy. We don't remember you ever sharing her with us previously. Thanks for being a faithful hopper. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  20. hello speedy its dennis the vizsla dog hay i am totaly down with gitting tuff on dog fiting i do not think dogs shud fite i think we shud wag owr tails!!! in fakt i am dooing it rite now!!! ok bye


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