
Thursday, 30 March 2017

Speedy's Movie Day!

Hello Everyone and welcome to another Movie Day!Mum recently got a new phone and she is gradually getting to grips with the Camera.She got a Huawei P9 which has a dual camera lenses which sounds a bit strange to me but what do I know I'm just a Rabbit but mum says it takes better photos of me and videos so I guess that is all that matters!The first 2 videos are from my last beach adventure which was taken on mums old phone.....

These next Videos have been done on the new phone....

This next one is done indoors with the new phone...

and the final video is a google highlights of last weekend...

So what do you think of the new videos done on the new phone?Tomorrow we'll do some photo's to see what you think of those,but until then I hope you enjoyed the show


  1. I can't wait to see more with your new camera, Speedy! It looks like you had some nice adventures!

    1. I can't wait for more adventures too Summer,xx Speedy

  2. Good morning, Mr. Stardom! You look great on mum's new phone, and I love your new egg banner!!!!!!! I so enjoy coming every time it's time for Speedy at the movies. I hope you are enjoying a lovely early spring. We started off warm and sunny, but we are back to typical upper midwest weather. But we've seen plenty of bunnies on our walks! Hugs to you Sir Speedy!

    1. Its funny weather at the moment,we get some nice Spring like weather and then its cold and wet again Auntie Anita,xx Speedy

  3. Looks like she is doing a fine job
    Lily & Edward

  4. Hooray Huawei-whatever a huawei is. I may have had one for breakfast.

    1. hehehe its a phone silly,I'll see that you get some seed,xx Speedy

  5. That new phone takes great videos Speedy, but it should because you are the star!

  6. speedy...dood....purrhapz itz R pea cea but de mooveez willna load rite for uz......we will try again later ~~~~~~ happee thurzday tho ☺☺♥♥

    1. try clicking the link below the videos ,xx Speedy

  7. WE LOVE your new HEADER and Background.
    Your mom is grrrreat at getting super videos.
    Hey... you will need to take a look at OUR BLOG tomorrow... to see a BABY BUNNY.

    1. I saw,your such a great bun sitter Frankie,xx Speedy

  8. The dunes sounded a bit windy. And you could see the footprints of the other critters who had been out there before you.
    I think the new phone is taking very good videos. The one indoors has good brightness.

    1. it was windy but yes the new phone is better,xx Speedy

  9. You're tamer than I am, Speedy! TW doesn't always trust me to eat out of her hands. Sounds like it was windy on the beach. I think you should make one of those cool bunny shadows your selfie this week.

    1. hehehe I'll try with the shadows CK,hehehe sounds like you're ferocious ,xx Speedy


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