Friday, 24 March 2017

Friday Surprise From Ann at Zoolarty

OMB We are so excited today!Mummy open our email box just now to find we had a email from Dougie Dog,Zoey and their Mummy Ann from ZOOLARTY.
You can imagine our surprise when we read the lovely email and saw these to Headers attached to the email......

Aren't they Fabulous?We love their work and I am sure you have seen other fine examples that they have done for many of our friends in Blogville!
So we want to Say a BIG THANK YOU to Mummy Ann over at ZOOLARTY for these beautiful Headers and to say we can't wait to use them!

Now for another Reggie the Hedgehog Up Date:

Reggie hasn't gone back to sleep which we are very thankful for because it really wouldn't be good for Reggie to do that.He has been chowing down and eating everything mummy has been putting out for him.She has been gradually increasing the amount that she has been putting in his bowl each day.Here is today offering for Reggie...
This week she decide to buy some Hedgehog kibble to use instead of the cat kibble as Reggie wasn't eating it all as she thought it might be difficult to get his / her little mouth around them.the first night she tried them with food Reggie left them behind so last night Mummy broke them up in to smaller pieces this morning Reggie's bowl was completely empty so mummy will keep breaking them up for Reggie.So tonight's dinner is Cesar classic pate doggy food in chicken and turkey with broken up hedgehog kibble and some meal worms on top with a nice drink of fresh water....hope he / she likes the menu tonight!


  1. Those are lovely headers from Ann at Zoolatry. Looks like Reggie is getting a five star menu.

  2. We have many headers and other photoart from Ms. Ann over the years and she never fails to amaze us with her creativity. Your new headers are beautiful. We have a really pretty Easter header from a few years ago, but three of the pups in that header are now Angels:( We are going to have to ask Ms. Ann to make us a new one.

    Happy weekend, Speedy.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  3. Speedy, Ann's work is beautifur. So good that Hedgie reggie ate something.
    Your Furend
    louis Dog Armstrong

  4. You hit the jackpot!
    Lily & Edward

  5. Oh ~ thank you so much for the kind "paw up" and bunny-tail
    wag, luv from us! We had fun doing these for you ... and by the way, we also luvs little hedgie-hogs, too!

  6. How nice of Ann to send you those cool headers! I have to say, your human is giving Reggie first class service! I wish I had it so good! (Not that I have it all that bad, MOL!)

  7. Pretty headers. Reggie is very lucky to have you.
    Sue B

  8. Cute headers!
    That's a huge bowl of mealworms for Hedgie. How often do you refill that bowl?

    1. mum does it every day and she only sprinkles a few meal worms on top,xx SPeedy

  9. I used to "grow" mealworms to use for fishing. Now, if I had a Reggie .... !!!!

  10. those are pawsome headers Speedy!
    Oh, and I would loooooves some of those wormies...wells, all of that looks delish to me! Thinks Reggie would like to share??? ☺
    Ruby ♥

  11. that is super beautiful!!! and I'm happy with you that your idea to feed Reggie with smaller pieces worked so good ;o)

  12. Sweetest Speedy! You look fantastic, man! How I wish I could go to England to meet you and mummy AND to take your photo! Sweetest, cheekiest boy, have a grand day!

  13. Those headers are so terrific, Ann does such great art!

  14. That's a nice menu ... we are happy to know that Reggie is enjoying her meal.

  15. The headers are lovely ! We're glad to know that Reggie likes the food ! Purrs

  16. that was so incredibly nice of Ann! They are BEAUTIFUL!! catchatwithcarenandcody

  17. No seeds?? Reggie won't make it without sunflower seeds.

  18. Reggie is one lucky HedgeHog! your Mummy is the bestest!

  19. Mes forgotted to tells yous how much wes LOVES Ann's headers! She does such wonderful art! Mes was so furry happy to works with her and Douggie Dog and Zoey on the Donkeys campaign last year. She does the bestest work EVER!!!


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