
Monday, 5 December 2016

Disapproving Bun Day

And Now its time for Disapproving Bun Day!Today we have my old pal Mr Mick who is with the angels and a star that shines bright....
"Can't a Bun just relax in peace in his Bun Cave?"

Don't forget we always need photo's of your disapproving Buns so send them into me at [email protected]

And for more disapproving bunnies hop on over to Disapproving Bun!


  1. I wouldn't mind a bunny cave
    Lily & Edward

  2. Oh, you cuties. I wish I had a rabbit or two to play with!
    Love, Loulou the bunny-lover.

  3. Mr. Mick was a gorgeous boy. But he did look a bit miffed during that photo.

  4. Mr. Mick is stunning! What a beautiful boy. We bet his parents miss him terribly.

  5. teeeheeeee

    Even after they have crossed the rainbow, they can still bring us joy with photos. This guy must have LOVED his bun cave!

  6. Aw we miss Mr. Mick! But we still hear from his keeper Jade now and then!

  7. Mee-you Mistur Mick......mee was finkin 'bout you this mornin an here you are....
    Fankss Speedy fur sharin a grate foto of Mistur Mick... Mee wishess hee was still here!
    ~~head rubsss~~ Siddhartha Henry~~

  8. I thought I recognised that face! We miss old Mr Mick and his blog, such a wonderful character. x


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