Friday, 9 December 2016

December 9th Day 9 of my Christmas and Holiday Countdown

Wow its Day 9 of my's getting closer till we get that visit from Santa paws!But before show some Christmas goodies We have to apologise ,we are experiencing technical difficulties as Mummys PC had decided to get sick and has gone on strike,its with the PC Doctor at the moment for a new SSD hardrive and all the software being put on the new drive .It's going to be a few days before the PC is allowed to come home so we are managing on the tab and Chromebook.I guess we will do the best we can till the PC comes home....
Say hello to Lola Mae she is modelling her Christmas out fit for us today doesn't she look adorable?
With the techy problems mummy hasn't done the last of the photo's of our house so we are taking a trip down Memory lane to the lights we use to have outside,mummy stopped putting them up the last couple of years as it was getting to expensive....

And like mummy said we don't get to see them really so we just do lots of nice stuff indoors!Now how about a bit of Christmas Music?....

Now don't forget you have till 5am Christmas morning UK time to either email your photo's of your trees and decorations with you in them to [email protected] or you can post them to my Facebook event which will be in 2 parts as mummy made a booboo with the finish dates.....silly mummy.Remember my favourite 3 will win a surprize gift after the big day to carry on the holiday spirit!


  1. She looks adorable. Love your outside lights. Sorry about your PC.
    Sue B

  2. Lola Mae is adorable. The festive holiday colors look great on her.

  3. Mee-you that Lola Mae iss adoorabull isn't shee Speedy! An what a stew-pid Pee Cee fur brakin down now!! PHOOEY!! Wee hopess it comess home soon as good as new.....
    ***nose rubsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxx an {{{hugs}}} LadyMum

  4. Headrubs to you, Lola Mae! Wonderful lights :-)


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