Monday, 19 December 2016

December 19th Day 19 of my Christmas and Holiday Countdown!

OMB I can hardly contain myself 6 days till Christmas and 5 till Hanukkah.....I hope you all have been good Pups,Kitties,Piggies,and Bunnies and of course Birdies....we Mustn't leave Kismet out and Any other Anipals for Santa!Because I want you all to be on his Nice List!My next offering is from Aunty Sue...
Her Kitty clan were being camera shy and didn't want to join in but that's ok,such a pretty tree!Next we have Nellie's tree....
I think I might have to make a little trip to snuggle up with my Dearest Nellie...Hope you don't mind? Next we have Jake and Cinamon and furfamily with there tree and Christmas Photo's....

I know more Christmas Bunnies But how could we not post cute bunnies!

Anyway just so you know Reggie must have woke up for short quick snack last night as some of the food under the shed was gone today so fresh food..just the kibble he/she likes and some meal worms and a bowl of water have been put under the shed as that will keep for a few days if Reggie naps for a while!

Now you still have time to enter my Countdown all you need to do is send in your photo's of your Christmas Trees and Decorations or your Hanukkah themed photo's or seasonal holiday decoration photo's with you in them if you can and email the to or post them on my Facebook event which is in 2 parts: Event part 1 here and Event part 2 here ! You have till 5am UK time on Christmas Morning to get you entries in as that is when Mummy turns the PC on....yes she is an early riser!All entries will be posted here and on the FB events......And remember My favorite 3 will win a surprise gift to carry on the holiday spirit a bit longer!


  1. We love all the bunny pictures :)

  2. Everybody's trees are so pretty. All are looking adorable. My kitties don't like to hang out around the tree very much.
    Sue B

  3. Woo Hoo!!! Such grate fotoss!! An Nellie kat iss a reegal Queenlee ladykat isn't shee Speedy????
    Wee not even put Menorah out yet.....oh ladyMum mee has another job fur you....mew mew mew....
    ~~~head rubsss~~~ Siddhartha Henry~~~

  4. Those are all so good Speedy and I'm glad Reggie had a snack!

  5. BaaaaaWaaah we just had a THOUGHT.... Reggie could be all decorated fur the Holidays...
    OMD OMB We are ALSO very much excited about how CLOSE it is getting.

  6. Hey Speedy!
    Wow, your countdown and holiday posts have gotten me into the spirit! Thanks for sharing all of these.
    Grr and Woof,

  7. To me, OMB is short for Oh My Bird.

  8. You remind us he special these holidays are
    Lily & Edward

  9. Keep those festive pictures coming! I suspect Santa will be good to you.

  10. Those trees all look awesome, Speedy! We think your countdown is brilliant!

  11. Jake, Cinamon, so good to see ya! Glad you got know Speedy!!! <3

  12. Speedy1 mes comed back to see if my comment gotted saves...we has been having some problems (and they is not always Mommy being late).
    Mes ALWAYS loves having yous come and snuggles!! Purhaps tonight...
    Hee Hee


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