Monday, 12 December 2016

December 12th day 12 of my Christmas and Holiday Countdown!

Wow I can't believe we are on day 12 of my countdown!Have you all been good?Have you all written your letters to Santa?We thought we would show another display of the Big Guy that mummy took Yesterday on our way home from our outing....
This House always does different displays to go with the mummy thought you would all love to see it!Now lets do the Christmas card count so far.....
The door with the Glass is Mummy and Daddy's Cards so far which is 3 paper cards and the other door is mine with 7 so far...though a couple of mine are addressed to both me and Mummy but she said I could have them....isn't that nice of mummy? and I have had 8 E-cards too but mummy can't print them off yet till the pc comes home from the PC Doctor.Now its time for a video that mummy and daddy did at Cotehele House of the Garland....

Did you see Mummy wandering around? Now you still have time to enter my Countdown all you need to do is send in your photo's of your Christmas Trees and Decorations or your Hanukkah themed photo's or seasonal holiday decoration photo's with you in them if you can and email the to or post them on my Facebook event which is in 2 parts: Event part 1 here and Event part 2 here ! You have till 5am UK time on Christmas Morning to get you entries in as that is when Mummy turns the PC on....yes she is an early riser!All entries will be posted here and on the FB events......And remember My favourite 3 will win a surprise gift to carry on the holiday spirit a bit longer!


  1. Mee-you Speedy what a grate outside display!
    An did our card get there ok??? Mee not reememburr what card mee picked out fur youss'!!!
    An reememburr Chanukkah startss thee evenin of thee 24th so wee will send a foto that nite....
    **nose rubsss** Siddhartha Henry xxxxxx

  2. Hey Speedy!
    Wow, that's a great santa paws guy! I'll get my Mom to send my pix to you right away...I love your countdown and how you help us see the decorations from all our furiends.
    Grr and Woof,

  3. The MERRY CHRISTMAS CARD MASSACRE is in FULL swing isn't it?

    Hey Speedy... OUR YARD looks like YOUR BLOG... We have 8 INCHES of that White and COLD stuffs... BRRRRRRr

  4. We got our first paper Christmas card yesterday.

  5. Ohhhhh Speedy! The countdown is on and I have no creature photos to share! I will see what I can do...

  6. Love the Santa. Your getting a lot of cards.
    Sue B

  7. I don't see how you can have Christmas in England without Tiny Tim.

  8. Great decorations ! We always win the card race too ! Purrs

  9. The Cotehele decorations are lovely. I see my card on your door!

  10. Wow, what a great installation! Love the display.


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