Sunday, 30 October 2016

Sunday Selfies

It's sunday so we are joining The Cat on My Head in their Sunday Selfies Blog Hop...
Time to take it easy again I think......before my next Halloween adventure!

And this week I got my Special Pumpkin from Nellie over at Nellie on the Edge......
Isn't it Fabulous?Just like she is....

Tomorrow is Halloween so We have a special feature tomorrow instead of Disapproving Bun Day!


  1. You are really resting up, Speedy!

  2. OOOhh we love Nellie, she is wonderful AND we think you need to take it easy Mr Adventure Bunny Speedy! Adventures wear every bunny out!

  3. Hello little man! YOU really know how to take the BIG EASY! Enjoy your snooze Speedster!

  4. You have such a cool house, Speedy! Cute selfie, as always!

  5. Nellie makes lovely pumpkins! You look very relaxed there, Speedy.

  6. Speedy, you make us smile. You really know how to take it easy!

  7. Hi Speedy, I can see you're having a great easy, AND guarding the Palace walls. Great job! have a great and not too spooky week... purrs ERin

  8. Very nice selfie and pumpkin.

  9. Lying down on the job again?

  10. Nice selfie, Speedy! And good job taking it easy, too. :)

    Your pumpkin from Nellie and her Mommy is awesome!

  11. Speedy, you look like you could sleep through anything today.

  12. Mee-you that iss sum Sleepy selfie there Speedy!!!!
    Mee iss tired today as it iss so chilly outside! Makess mee sleeeeepy......
    Can you ask Aunty Rachel to linky mee uppy pleeze? Fankss.....
    ***nose rubsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxx

  13. Awww, that's some great nap-floppage you've got going on there Speedy!

  14. What a cute snoozy selfie ! Purrs

  15. Beautiful selfies and cute pumpkin.
    Sue B

  16. It is important to get extra rest before the haunting begins.

  17. Speedy, that is a precious snoozy photo of you. What a sweet pumpkin from Nellie. She and Mom Barb are so nice and generous to make these great pumpkins for all of us. Thanks so much for hopping. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  18. That's a lovely Selfie, so is Nellie's :D Pawkisses for a Happy Halloween :) <3

  19. Supurr selfie Speedy!

    Happy Halloween dude

    Spooky Purrs

    Basil & Co xox

  20. You are lucky with your nice pumpking. I dont have any !
    Nice selfie. You look good laying at the door of your kingdom.

  21. It looks like you've been doing a little redecorating at your house. Are those nibble marks I see?

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie


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