
Sunday, 18 September 2016

Sunday Selfies...A Pirate Digging for His Treasure!

A special Selfie today...a Pirate digging for his Treasure!
Don't forget Tomorrow is My Pirate Party and you still have time to email your entries for my Best dressed Pirate have till the end of today to email them to me at [email protected] or you can post them straight to my Facebook party page by end of tomorrow Speedy's Annual Pirate Party!


  1. I know the treasure is down there Speedy and you will find it!

  2. Shiver me timbers mate, looks like you are close to finding the pirate's treasure. Wish you well. arrrrrrrrr

  3. Looking forward to tomorrow. I did post my photos on your FB

  4. I tried but there's no buried treasure in the desert.

  5. Hi Speedy! I sent you my entry. Will that do? Please do let me know. 💜

  6. Hi Speedy, looks like not only do you get all the fun outings, but you also get all the treasure too! Have a wonderful day... I think I will be making peep walk the plank later, just for the fun, after all the pirate code is more guidelines. purrs ERin

  7. I sure hope you find that treasure, Speedy!

  8. We look forward toy our party :)

  9. Hello Speedy,
    Keep on digging. I'm sure that you will find a treasure.

  10. Captn' !!!!! I know you'll remember where you put that buried treasure! Once the party starts, the fun of digging will begin! I will be here!

  11. Speedy, my furiend, I'm so happy to see that you're at the beach! Purrseidon >^.^<

  12. Mee-you yur lookin mitey fine there mee hearty!!!!
    Mew mew mew....
    Wishin all fo youss' a sunny Sunday an a grate Pie-rat week ahead....let's way ank-her an hoist a pint....
    (Just kiddin LadyMum!!)
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxx

  13. We're looking forward to seing the pirates tomorrow ! Purrs

  14. hello speedy its dennis the vizsla dog hay wen yoo find the trezhure wot ar yoo going to buy??? if yoo need help with ideeas on how to spend it just let me no!!! ok bye

  15. did you finds sum treasure fur the party? We haz to skips cause Katie Mom am furry sicks with the flu... We just checks out the other pirates this time. -purrz, Katie Kitty Too

  16. Did you find some good treasure Speedy?
    Sue B

  17. Oh man I forgot you did a party! I had better go create something visionary.... ;-)

  18. I hope you found a huge bunny pirate treasure.

  19. Speedy, darling! Mes cann't wait for the pirate party...can Mes kiss yous now?
    Mes loves yous lots
    My cuddly bunny. Manny kisses
    Your Nellie Bellie

  20. Arrrrrrrrr Cap'n Speedy, we be on way to thee pawty... the sea's be rough though and young Parsley has lost his sea-legs!

    Bestest pirating purrs

    Basil & CO xox

  21. Now I be knowin' why ye were on th' beach all th' the hour, Capt'n Speedy :D Pawkisses fer a grog-filled day :D <3

  22. Speedy, we did not know that bunny's dig holes. Did you find any pirate booty? Thanks for hopping with us. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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