
Friday, 2 September 2016

Speedy's Movie Day!

Another day at the beach for me South Milton,its a pretty little place.Only 2 movies today Just me Chilling with Mummy,As I already had been for my explorations and played with some children so this was time for chilling with mummy.

In the end as I just wanted to stay with in the beach tent ,play pen and our camp area mummy stopped clipping on the lead.I would just go in those shaded areas and back to the playpen!And mummy was very impressed that I didn't try to escape on my own...well with all the refreshments on paw why would I?...hehehe....


  1. Speedy, you sure get around!
    Your furend,
    louis Dog Armstrong

  2. Hope your harness didn't give you tan lines! Suzie aka The Bossy Bunny

  3. Beach time with the Mum looks relaxing Speedy!

  4. Now that is rest and relaxation my sweet friend. Happy weekend! XOXO - Bacon

  5. So cute at the beach on your beach towel
    Lily & Edward

  6. It looks like you've definitely mastered being a beach bum!

  7. Speedy, your time at the beach sure does look relaxing! :)

  8. What a fun day at the beach! We'll bet you were the cleanest bun there too!

    The Florida Furkids

  9. Beach bunny! We can't get enough of seeing you enjoy yourself at the beach, Speedy. Thanks for inviting us along!

  10. That looks like a very fun pen to enjoy while you are at the beach. We wish we lived close to a beach because we know we would love to run through all that sand:)

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  11. How did you like the beach? Did you get sand everywhere?

  12. Looksw like you had a lovely time at the beach, Speedy.

  13. OMD/OMB!!! What a FABulous time!!! You knows, you have more adventures than I do Speedy!!!! And, you have some very comfy accommodations, I must say! LOVES Movie day!!
    Ruby ♥

  14. Move over - I'm comin' in!!!

  15. HooRay! My Favorite Day! Mes LOVES to watch yous on the computer! Mes loves to watch yous on the tablet too, which is where mes was watching yous last night!
    Yous looks so cute and cuddly!
    Many Kisses
    Your Nellie Bellie

  16. SPEEDY! Son, I am late because school started this week, then my INTERNET went out! YOU look the way I feel....exhausted! But what fun to be out and about on the beach and I bet you are having a grand time! Mummy is so good to you, to give you all the exercise you need and then some. Enjoy yourselves my friend!

  17. I want to go to the beach ... they have FISH there, right?!? ~Bear Cat

  18. Toe-tallee kewl set-uppy Speedy!!!
    Mee likess them X-penss meeself.....trubbull iss mee climmss out an roamss, mew mew mew....
    Now if there was a covered X-pen.....hmmmm...
    Anyway mee wantss to say you pawtastick hangin out at thee beech!!! Wee are happy you an thee Pawentss ahd a good vaycayshun!!!!
    ~~head rubsss~~ Siddhartha Henry~~


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