Friday, 17 June 2016

Speedy's Movie Day!

Yesterday should have been Speedy's Movie Day and I debated how I was going to arrange this one.

Whether I should just do the normal type of post or cover an experience that I had this week.So I decided this morning to cover the experience as I believe its quite important.

Out of curiosity I joined a group on Facebook call UK Rabbit Group and I posted the photo above,I knew some would not like it,to see Speedy on a leash and harness because some think it's dangerous the the rabbit could hang itself.And yes I did get comments to such a degree,others went on to lecture me saying that it's against the RWAF guidelines of rabbit care.Some could only list the dangers they could see like some risk assessment all written down in a big list some included a sheer cliff the Speedy could fall off,possible predators,attacking Speedy,and dogs!
So lets look at the photo and at what you don't see....
The Cliff edge is actually further away from Speedy than it looks...about 3 metres this is called an optical illusion,Speedy's leash was only extended 2 metres,Predators there were none as I am always looking out for such things and Dogs well again there were none here I am always scanning the distance for dogs and as soon as I glimpse one I pick Speedy up.when I took this photo the was just me,Speedy's dad and Speedy on the path next to the carpark.No one that made comments wanted to listen to these facts.All they did was lecture me on the fact tha rabbits are prey animals and are easily scared and shouldn't be put through such stresses therefore I am a bad bunny mum.But let me ask you does Speedy look scared?Does he look stressed?...the answer is No!

So lets go on to video evidence,I did try to show to the group by posting a video and even an explanation to defend myself and Speedy but the admin of the group deleted the post because they do not encourage harnesses on rabbits not that they mentioned that in their code of conduct,what they did mention in their code of conduct that that they did not like aggressive behaviour in the group...funny the admin did nothing about the behaviour of those that gave nasty comments and then proceeded to lecture me with everyone much for their code of conduct!

So the first Video is of one of Speedy's first proper outings on a harness and leash ,enjoy the video as it's one of my favourite but then ask yourselves does Speedy struggle and fight with the leash and harness,Does he look scared and unhappy?I don't think so!

So the last 3 videos were taken yesterday afternoon see any difference in behaviour?The only difference is Speedy has a different harness on and isn't as chubby as he was back when he first started using a harness.

Now don't get me wrong I don't think all bunnies are suited to being an adventure bunny like Speedy as it takes a very Special,relaxed bunny who shows no fear of unusual places or situations to be able to wear a harness and leash.If your rabbit doesn't like to be picked up or going in the carrier to the vets or spooks at loud noises and sudden movements then he or she will not take to the harness and will fight you like the meanest devil hound to get away from you and the harness so please don't force them because that would be wrong.Now another thing a lot of groups say is you shouldn't pick you rabbit up because they are prey animals and they think they are being attacked....ok great so you don't do that what happens when you have to trim nails or take them to the vet or have to give meds?You have a rabbit that is so scared and stressed out that all this becomes a traumatic experience for them,when all you have to do is learn how to pick them up safely and give them cuddles every day so that they are relaxed with being handle....sounds simple to me and sensible too.So with all the bunnies I have had I have handled them from a baby to make these situations less traumatic for them.But my first bun Caramel still hated going to the vets and all treament had to be done with me holding him,but when it came to me giving meds to him at home he was easy and my 2nd bun Thumper was the same too they both hated the vets and going in a carrier,both would try to claw their way out and both hated a harness believe me I did try but they just wouldn't have it so I never forced the issue with them.But with Speedy you could tell he was different when we first saw him you could see he was relaxed and unafraid,and when I picked him up he got comfy in my arms and started tooth puring...he was happy and relaxed.and when we put him in the carrier he just looked curious and nosy,and when we got in the car with him in the carrier Speedy just flopped down all relaxed ,not scared at all.Speedy has always been like that.Not scared just relaxed and even excited to try new things and new places to explore.Speedy even like's going to the Vet! He is a very Special rabbit!

I shall do a post covering the do's and don'ts on harnesses and handling on rabbits in a later post but for now thank you for letting me ramble on...Rachel Speedy's Mum


  1. I can't believe those so-called bunny humans were so nasty. Every time you have Speedy's movie day, he looks like he is enjoying himself so much - why deny him that pleasure? While it's true that not all bunnies would do well on a harness and leash, it's also true of kitties and if you know your bun (or cat), you should be able to tell if it's worth a try. Humans need to not be so close-minded.

    1. Unfortunately there are people like that everywhere and they just can't see or don't want to see or are even to jealous to see what truly is in front of them an you are right,we should know our pets well enough to know if this is worth a try,xx Rachel

  2. Dearest Rachel, I am saddened that you had to experience what appears to be an impulsive reaction without first asking and conversing with you. Oh I am saddened. However, I think you did a wonderful thing to map out your experience, knowledge, intentions and care about the situation. Sometimes these challenges that come our way actually strengthen us as we are forced to look at our ethics. I know you have the utmost knowledge about rabbit care. And it's true; SPEEDY ALWAYS LOOKS HAPPY and even the LEADER of the walk! HAHAHAHAH

    He is by no doubt, a very healthy and happy rabbit. Who could argue that?

    Hugs to you dearest Rachel, hugs to MR. SPEEDSTER!

    1. That's why I wrote this,may be this will help others,xx Rachel

  3. I guess some people just insist on seeing the world in black and white, when in reality there are a lot more than 50 shades of grey. Every rabbit is an individual, and Speedy is definitely one of a kind. That you take the time to know him for himself makes you an awesome rabbit mom, Rachel. Speedy is a lucky boy.

    1. Thank you Karen,Speedy is one of a kind,all buns and other pets are and those of us that take the time to get to know them that well gain the reward of that Special bond we get with our pet,xx Rachel

  4. Bonjour Rachel,
    je viens de lire avec attention la réaction des gens sur le forum: à tous les coups ce sont ceux qui laissent leur animal en cage toute la journée de peur qu'il arrive quelque chose!!!
    je ne vois pas où est le mal à partir du moment où Speedy accepte le harnais la laisse et que cela lui permet de vivre de supers aventures et d'explorer des endroits où il n'irait pas sinon!!!
    Leeloo lui a aussi été obligé de se balader à la laisse quand il était petit chez mes parents pour lui apprendre là où il avait le droit d'aller ou pas et ça a été pareil il y a 2 ans quand j'ai décidé qu'il: pourrait profiter aussi du jardin! d'abord il a eu le droit au jardin avec la laisse ensuite avec un peu plus de liberté et maintenant il est complètement libre de se déplacer où il veut dans la mesure où mon jardin est complètement clôturé et sécurisé pour lui !!! on voit qu'il est toujours heureux d'être dans le jardin dès qu'il fait beau il gambade dans tous les sens et fait des petits bons, il vient me voir, il va explorer un coin il revient 2 minutes après... mais il a fallu d'abord passer par une étape d'apprentissage avec la laisse!
    Leeloo n'aimait pas trop aller chez le véto avant mais depuis les deux derniers véto cela va mieux car ils adorent les lapins: cequi n'était pas forcément le cas des précédents et donc il est très impatient:d'arriver chez le véto, de sortir de son sac de transport et aller dire bonjour à tout le monde! L'assistante de veto et la véto l'adorent et du coup il a le droit à plein de caresses!

    Je serais curieuse de savoir comment se comportent ces gens avec leurs animaux!

    1. Thank you Yveline,we do whatever we can to enrich the lives of our buns,xx Rachel

  5. Shaking my head. I am so hurt and disappointed on how some peeps can be. I'm so sorry my sweet friend that you had to experience this. We your friends know that Speedy is content and happy and last but not least LOVED. Don't let people that say hateful crappy words worry you in the least when we all know the truth and the care of our sweet beloved friend. Hogs and snout kisses to you! XOXO - Bacon

    1. Thank you Bacon and Mum,I just wanted to share this with everyone,to get it out in the public domain.We shouldn't just rely on on source of information when it comes to our pets,we should learn as much as we can from all sources and the add our own instincts and experience to get the right balance,xx Rachel

  6. We think Speedy is have a pawsome time on his adventures. We love his videos. Keep up the good work.

  7. People need to mind their own business
    Lily & Edward

  8. Speedy always looks like he's having a good time to us. Some people need to learn to keep their mouths shut, if they can't say anything nice.

    1. Speedy does have a good time and I would take if he wasn't,xx Rachel

  9. I would think that group would celebrate a happy bunny, but it sounds like there egos get in the way. You are a most excellent bunny Mum, Speedy told me! My Dad's Grandma used to see everyone is entitled to their own wrong opinion MOL!

    1. Hahahaha your dad's Grandma is right and thank you Brian,xx Rachel

  10. You know what, I started putting our cats on leashes back in the late 80's. we traveled a lot and took our pets with us. People did not "do" that then and we were subjected to the same remarks. We even had the park manager where we used to walk the dog and Licorice, tell us "Cats were not welcome".
    You are just ahead of the curve. I think well trained pets, be they cats, dogs, rabbits and other furred pets are always much better taken care of!
    There, I've said my piece.
    Nellie sends her love to Speedy!
    Oh and kisses, lots of kisses

    1. Thanks Barbs,I am with you on that I believe that to,Speedy sends his love to Nellie with lots of bunny kisses,xx Rachel

  11. Okays, I've been enjoyin' your videos for eons Speedy, and never ONCE have you ever looked scared or uncomfortable or stressed! I thinks peeps just need to feel intellectually superior, so they think they're always in the right, and don't want to hear or think anyone else could be right. Or, there could be exceptions to their rules! I say, UNFOLLOW that group! I'm sure there are other FABulous bunny groups that will LOVES our Speedy's adventures! He IS, after all, A PIRATE! ☺
    Okays, so Ma is poppin' the poppycorns and I'm gettin' the margaritas ready, time for SPEEDY-MOVIES!
    Ruby ♥

    1. Aww thank you Ruby,I have left the group and you are right there plenty of other groups out there,enjoy the movies,xx Rachel


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