Sunday, 22 May 2016

Sunday Selfies

This is me up at my favourite woods But I am sad because I won't be able to go there for a while.In Fact I won't be going anywhere there are wild rabbits for a while because Rabbit Viral Hemorrhagic Disease type 2 has finally made it's way to the southwest of England with confirmed case in a pet bunny at a place called Teignmouth here in Devon.I am Vaccinated for the original type 1 version and Myxomatosis but not the new mutation of RVHD type 2.Mummy say's our vet has it on order but it has to come from Germany under Special Licence as it is not yet offically approved for use in the UK but it is currently going through the process for UK approval but it takes time.But mummy has said when the vet gets it in I will be vaccinated but it is going to be a little wait and expensive could be as much as £100 UK pounds but the vet won't know exactly till it comes in and the could be a couple of months as they have only ordered a small amount.The more Vets order the cheaper it is but as the vets don't know who many bunny owners will want the new Vaccine they don't want to comit to the larger dose packs because it only keeps for a certain length of time.We will keep you posted.


  1. My goodness, that is distressing news. Despite your travel restrictions, I hope you're having a lovely Sunday.

    1. Mummy said there are some places we can go where there are no wild bunnies,so we will just be limited a bit,xx Speedy

  2. OH GOOD GRACIOUS SPEEDY, don't got outside! Mummy has you covered, and just don't get out there!

    1. Awww its ok Aunty Anita,I can still go in my garden and there is a couple of places without wild buns,so we will stick to those,xx Speedy

  3. Sat in the rain at Teignmouth at the mo Speedy luckily no fluffies around. Keep safe little guy. Luvs Freya n Ark xxx

    1. Gosh Freya its been dry here all afternoon,xx Speedy

  4. That's a lovely Selfie, Speedy. I hope there is another place where you can go without getting sick?? Pawkisses for a wonderful Sunday :) <3

    1. Hi Binky,yes there are but only a couple so we will stick to those places,xx Speedy

  5. Please be safe Speedy and we hope the drug comes soon and is affordable.

    1. So do I hope it comes soon,but mummy said whatever it costs I'll still be having it,xx Speedy

  6. You're looking mighty fine Speedy and we agree, the safe thing to do is stay away from the woods pal.

    1. Yup and any other places where there are bunnies,just hope the vaccines comes soon,xx Speedy

  7. Oh no! We're sorry your excursions are put on hold for a while, but you're so lucky your Mummy worries about you. You're in good paws with her.

    1. Well the not completely on hold just leaves me with a couple of places to go,xx Speedy

  8. What do rabbits want to know about government red tape?

    1. Hehehehe...we buns want to know everything,xx Speedy

  9. That is a lovely selfie, Speedy. I hope the vaccine soon arrives so you can go out again, but in the meantime you can never be too careful.

    1. Yup that's true just have to stick to the safe places,xx Speedy

  10. Stay safe Speedy!
    Happy Sunday Selfies!
    Annabelle, Boo, Ping, & Mr Jinx

  11. Oh no, poor you! Please look after yourself and stay indoors.

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

    1. I still have a couple of places to go ,xx Speedy

  12. That is too bad that an awful disease has reached your area. I am glad your Mum is on top of things to keep you safe. Nice selfie.XO

  13. Sorry Speedy. It's a bad news. No more big adventures for the moment.
    But it's important to stay safe.

  14. Speedy mom says she'd like to bury her face in your soft furs.....
    Stay safe inside until the vaccine arrives. We did n't know there was something so terrible that pet bunnies could catch
    Hugs madi your bfff

  15. It sounds as though you had better stay out of the woods for now Speedy! You look very handsome as always :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  16. That's too bad you won't be visiting your favorite spot for a while, Speedy, but it is FAR better to be safe!

  17. Sorry to hear that you won't be having adventures because of that disease, but it is good that you will be safe indoors. We hope the vaccine arrives soon.

  18. You look very handsome even though you say you're frowning.
    I'm sorry you have to curtail your adventures, but hopefully it won't be for long and you'll be vaccinated soon. Can you go in your yard, or are their wild bunnies in your neighborhood?

  19. Beautiful selfie ! That sounds scary, please stay safe. Purrs

  20. That sounds scary. Have a great week Speedy. Love your selfie.
    Sue B

  21. Oh how awful that you're gonna miss out on some adventures for a while. Bet your peeps will keep you well entertained at home though, don't you think? Pretty scary for the wild bunnies about.


  22. Speedy, we really hate that you cannot visit your favorite place, but it is important to stay safe. Not being bunnies we hadn't heard of this disease. Hope you can get vaccinated soon. You are looking particularly handsome today. Thanks so much for hopping. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  23. Oh Speedy! Mes so sad that yous will not gets to ges for walks! Being inside during the summer will bes no fun!!
    Will yous has to stays in inside, or can yous goes out in your yard?
    Mes will stops by an sees yous.
    Your Nellie

  24. It's too bad you can't go in your favorite woods, Speedy, but it's better to be safe. Hopefully you'll get your vaccination soon. That sounds like a scary disease.

  25. You are looking so very handsome today, Speedy. Best to be on the safe side and stay away until you can get protected by that vaccine. We hope other bunnies there will be as lucky as you.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  26. We are sorry you can't visit the woods anymore, Speedy. We hope that vaccine gets approved soon!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  27. Yikes, that disease sounds very scary, Speedy! Stay away from those woods for a while, okay?

  28. That's sad that your movements are restricted. What I don't understand is that this medication is allowed in Germany and not in the UK ? I mean bunnies are everywhere the same and have the same diseases !

  29. Great selfie today Speedy! I'm so sorry about that bunny disease but hopefully as soon as your vet has the shots, you can have yours and be SAFE. Meanwhile I'm sure your Mom will keep you entertained by visiting some safe spots near you for your walkies.

    Love, Sammy

  30. Mee-you that hemmy...Virus sounds scarey an pawfull Speedy! Wee are berry sad you will have to stay close to home...better safe tho'. An wee hope thee new vaccine comes to UK soon so yur purrtected an can go walkie/hoppy'ss again!!!
    Fankss to you an aunty Rachel fur givin us ideas an help with mee an sue-pport!!! You helped Ladymum thru a berry bad time this weekend!
    ~~~~head rubsss~~~~ Siddhartha Henry~~~~

  31. I'm sorry to hear this! I know Speedy loves those walks so much. I'm hoping the nasty stuff doesn't impede walks for too much longer!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  32. Keep safe, Speedy. So sorry you have to keep out of the woods and wild :-( Crossing our paws for all the other bunnehs :-( <3


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