
Thursday, 19 May 2016

Speedy's Movie Day!

Welcome to Movie Day!First up we have a couple of movies put together by Google of my recent trips to my favourite woods next to the horse fields,I was asked if they were close to where I live and if I visit them often,the answer is yes about a five to ten minute drive from my house in a little old village,it also has the Pub that mummy takes me too as well. and then the next movies are from my trip to Cotehele Quay which belongs to the house where mummy went to see a few weeks ago.
So get yourselves nice and comfy and enjoy the show.....

Now for some photos....
 This is the main building for the quay and the bit on the end is a pub called the Edgecombe

The Ship is called The Shamrock and belongs to the quay and House.
I Hope you enjoyed the Show everyone...until next time!


  1. We think you have to be the luckiest bunny in the world to get to go on all the wonderful adventures you have, Speedy.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  2. speedy...dood....well, we see de rood poneez... videe oh bombed yur furst two mooveez ~~ ☺☺☺

    N whoa....for a wee minit at de start oh three we thinked ya waz looze & runnin frum mum { it was hard ta see yur leed } we waz like.... dood...STOP !!!!!! ☺☺☺


  3. Gorgeous! And it's nice to see Speedy in motion. Now I know how he got his name!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  4. We love movie day! Mommy would love to visit the Quay.

  5. What are those yellow flowers? You should have made a meal out of those.

    1. they are dandelions,there were so many to nibble on that I had my fill,xx Speedy

  6. How cool that you have such a nice area to visit that's so close by! And I loved the views of Cotehele Quay too.

  7. Great videos, S. I really wanted to see you eat those dandelions in the last one. They look delicious. I think you are very brave out and about and not afraid.

    Love and licks,

  8. Darling little movie maker! OOOOOOO I love the addition of the music, sweet Speedy! I have fond memories of seeing you on your adventures; I think it's a great idea that mummy takes so many videos of all your excursions. IT'S FRIDAY mi man...and Auntie Anita is EXCITED for the weekend!

  9. Squeals - I love movie day my friend. And in my book there is nothing cuter than seeing you stretched out - aaww!! XOXO - Bacon

  10. OMG! I wish I knew how to take my bunnies on adventures... They would love it! Beautiful location by the way. Makes me want to go there too... Huhu...

  11. Speedy,
    Thank you so much for sharing so many wonderful new and exciting places that I might never see otherwise! You are a well cultured Bunny, as well as cute as a button. :)
    Please thank your Mommy for me as well. She is, after all, your driver, photographer and much more. Thanks!

  12. Oh Speedy you look so happy running in the grass :)

  13. You are the luckiest bunny that I have ever known! I love your adventures in your harness. ☺

  14. Yippee!!!!
    Its my favorite day of the week! This is when I gets to sees My bestest bunny in actions! Just likes mes was there with yous!
    Loves yous lots dear heart. Many kisses
    Your Nellie Bellie

  15. Pawsum Movie Day...ok wee are here on Holiday Monday butt ANY day iss a good day to watch sum movies!!!
    Mee wantss to bee as chilled as you are Speedy when outside! An mee wood luv to see horseiess again ;)
    An thee KEY iss berry luvely. Can you emagin us together inn thee Pub???? Mew mew mew.....
    ~~~head rubsss~~~ Siddhartha Henry~~~


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