Sunday, 3 April 2016

Sunday Selfies...I spy with my little eye!

My Mum says I have the prettiest eye.....What do you think?

I have been on lots of adventures lately and here some snaps from this week!
This is me at Sheepstor look at how high the top is...

And this is me trying out my new Lead....its a posh retractable lead for small dogs,cats and bunnies!
We had a go with it at Cadover Bridge yesterday....


  1. Speedy, you go so many great places - you are a true Adventure Bun!

  2. Well I agree with mummy. YOU have the prettiest pink eye I've ever seen! And then there's the blue coat.....oh, that adorable blue coat! You must be the talk of the moors when you strut over hill and dale, and on a new lead? TOPS!

    Thank you Speedy bunny for leading mummy to my blog post. Enter into the magic sweetest little friend!

  3. Mom thinks your blue eyes show off your pretty eyes! Weze amazed at all the adventure you gotted to do! Amazing landscape. Safe journey home too.

    Me hopes you stops by to see my fun selfie too and to purr for Jolly who just had life saving surgery. Purrz from Lulu and Katie Mom.

  4. You DO have a pretty eye, Speedy! And you sure do go on some exciting adventures!

  5. Speedy your bunny eyes are most gorgeous; however, I'm smitten with your bunny nose
    Hugs madi your bfff

  6. Love seeing the photos of your adventures...

    Have a great day.

    hugs, Bugsy and Knuckles

  7. Yes, Speedy, you have a pretty eye. Plus, you have great adventures. It's beautiful there. You look great in that blue harness!

  8. Great post, Speedy! Hope you have a wonderful week!

  9. What an adventure Speedy! You are very lucky. :) We like you close-up selfie. :)

  10. Eye think you're a special bunny too Speedy!

  11. I know that I already said that several times, but you are a real lucky bunny Speedy. Being able to go in the big "outside" with your Mum is really great !
    Of course you have a pretty eye.

  12. I gotta admit your estate is massive! Great you get to visit all around it and have such fun outings and great outfits! Purrs ERin

  13. You have had a busy week. Nice selfies.

  14. Looks like you have had some great weather for Speedy strolling:)

    Happy Sunday.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  15. Look at you! You look so cute out there and those views are amazing :)

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  16. HI EYE... Speedy we think that is a super adventure fur you... As Always. You go to the bestesgt places.

  17. Such a wonderful group of selfies and beautiful scenery, Speedy!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

    PeeEss...You do have beautiful eyes!

  18. Those are lovely selfies. My mum used to ride her horses to Cadover Bridge a lot and always bought 2 ice creams there, one for her and one for her horse.

  19. You have the most beautiful eye we have ever seen, Speedy. It must feel like freedom with that lash. Great pictures again! Pawkisses for a Happy Week :) <3

  20. Dearest Speedy, Blogger makes us re-do comments 3x so can't comment as often:-( and have to resort to posting as anonymous but send lot of love and purrs xoxo CatWisdom101

  21. Blogger makes us re-do comments 3x so can't comment as often:-( but send lot of love and purrs xoxo CatWisdom101

  22. We think you have a wonderful life with great adventures :)

  23. What a great adventure bunny you are!!! Love the photos! And you have an "eye" for color!!! Bwahahaha!!!

  24. Mum loves to see pictures of the moor!! Speedy you look spiffing in your new lead!!

  25. Speedy you do have pretty eyes and you live in a glorious area! catchatwithcarenandcody

  26. Grate fotoss Speedy! An wee luv how you give yur new lead a 'pawss up' all so!!!!
    Sheepss Tor lookss so-o tall.....
    Hope this comin week iss a better one fur all of you.
    **nose bumpsss** Siddhartha Henry xxx

  27. Speedy, that's a selfie and a closie. We always enjoy seeing the places where you and Mom Rachel have your adventures. Such gorgeous countryside. Thanks for being our actual hopper on the hop. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  28. That was a terrific adventure ! Purrs

  29. That sure is a great selfie, Speedy. And, what a lovely place to have an adventure!

  30. I love your beautiful eye my friend. And your leash is awesome. I wonder if mom can find me one? XOXO - Bacon

  31. it is always so nice to see you out and about :)

  32. Gorgeous little bunny eye. So pretty and pink!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  33. You do have pretty eyes Speedy!And we love your little vest and your new lead. We use flexi leads too (well the doggies do!) . You are such a handsome little bunny :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  34. OH MY MOUSES! You really have been on some adventures. Did you hop all the way to the top of that high hill? Wow. Impressive, for sure.


  35. Wowwzers! That is quite the mountain! Mes likes my retractable leash, but the first few times, mes ran like heck and came to a screeching halt when it ran out and Mes was still running! Mommy says mes was just about air born! Has yous done that yey!
    Loves yous dear heart, and mes LOVES to gaze into your eye too!
    Your Nellie Bellie

  36. Mom thinks that's not a little eye, it's a big, pretty eye.
    I'm impressed with how many amazing adventures you go on.

  37. LOVE your ruby eye in all its glory. Your mommy is right. And you are one heck of a bunny rabbit. SOOOO cute.

  38. You go on the most amazing adventures Speedy! Those look like gorgeous placs to visit!


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