Saturday, 5 March 2016

#GET TOUGH ASPCA Giveaway Winner

So we can finally anounce the Winner of the #GET TOUGH ASPCA Giveaway as we finally got the video uploaded,so without a further a do....... click on this link on Youtube if you have problems viewing the video.

So There we have it the winner is Fur Everywhere! Congratulations to them!

Tomorrow is Sunday Selfies with the Cat on My Head,But next week we have Disapproving Bun Day(of which we could do with some more photos) and we also have Movie Day and we will be doing another edition of Speedy's review too!Busy week ahead,xx Speedy


  1. Oh pooh! I can't see the video Speedy neither here or on the link! But I'm sure you were a great picker!!!!!

  2. Concatulations to the winner ! Purrs

  3. Concats to Sierra, Carmine and Lita! You did a good job picking a winner, Speedy.

  4. Congrats to the winner.
    Sue B

  5. I saw the video just fine. Speedy didn't pick me-boo hiss.

  6. Hooray for the mighty fine winners, they are super special and you are too Speedy!

  7. Great job, Speedy! Congrats to our pals at Fur Everywhere! :)

  8. Congratulations Sierra, Carmine and Lita!!!! And Speedy, yous is the bestest picker!!!
    Extra Sweet Kisses
    Your Nellie Bellie

  9. Congratulations to Carmine, Milita and their human!


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