Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Disapproving Bun Day!

Hello and welcome to another Disapproving Bun Day!Todays star is Mr Bun,He and his Hoomin run their blog Disapproving Bun.Check out all their latest disapprovers.Anyway Mr Bun was trying to enjoy his salad but his hoomin wanted to take some photos....

Thanks Mr Bun and Hoomin.

Don't forget to Send in photos of your disapproving Bunnies or those of your family and friends or even my wild cousins to [email protected]


  1. OMD Mr. Bun has a FABULOUS Salad going on there. WE would even like that one.

  2. speedy...dood....we can see why mr bun iz diz a proovin....hope hiz mum gived him 73 mor helpinz oh salad for interruptin hiz meel !! ♥♥♥

  3. The CHEEK of that hoomin! Let a rabbit eat in peace! teeeheeeeeeee

  4. That looks like a very healthy salad.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  5. That is the face Lady makes when she is on her 9th serving of veggies in a day!

  6. Oh Mistur Bun wee just LUV yur diss-aprovin face!!! Enjoy yur salad...
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry an ((hugs)) LadyMum

  7. Those insistent humans get in the way.

  8. Definitely a disapproving look with his eyes closed.


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