Monday, 15 February 2016

This one is for my Kitty Pals and their Parents!

I was recently asked by Samantha to share this great infographic with my Kitty pals and when I saw it I thought this has some great ideas on it!So this one is for you my Kitty Pals and I hope you can put it to good use!

Build your cat a better life
Build your cat a better life by PowerTool World.


  1. WOW! These are so cool. I'll print them so mom/dad can look at doing at least one of them. Awesome. Thanks buddy. XOXO - Bacon

  2. Our angel cats would have enjoyed those things.

  3. Speedy.... these are SUPER.... how very nice of you to post them fur our beloved KITTY FURENDS.

  4. That was a bunch of good stuff Speedy!

  5. What a cool infographic ! Thank you for sharing ! Purrs

  6. What awesome tips! Of course My human would probably injure herself in several places trying to do most of these!

  7. My mom put up catwalks in her first house but that was before I was born and we don't live there anymore. Now she just orders already made stuff from the interweb.

  8. Those are some great ideas. Thanks Speedy.
    Sue B

  9. Such cool ideas! Thanks for sharing, Speedy.

  10. Thanks Speedy! My Mom says there's enough stuff on this project list to keep my Dad busy and out of her hair for a LONG WHILE!

    Love, Sammy

  11. Muy útil y curioso.
    Gracias por compartir.
    Un abrazo.

  12. Good evening Speedy boy! You are such a good pal to all four footed friends and humans! Lovely ideas. Everyone needs safety and shelter!


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