
Sunday, 21 February 2016

Sunday Selfies!

Yep it's Sunday but it's all so wet today so this is what I shall be doing today!But I did manage to get out on some adventures this last week and mum did manage a couple of videos so you'll get to see them in this weeks movie day but tomorrow is a special post for my friend Savannah so make sure you hop in to see it.We are continuing to try and get to see you all but our internet is on a major go slow so it's making it tough to blog so we are changing companies but that change over won't be done till the beginning of March which is around the time of my Blogaversary...can you believe it's been 4 years already?Anyway we will keep trying to hop on over to see you all!Happy Sunday to you all!


  1. Ya look like ya partied too much Speedy, BOL!

  2. It looks like you are making the best of the day, Speedy!

  3. Lovely pic, Speedy.... I hope your nap was a peaceful one and that you woke up feeling totally renewed... Love to you and dear Rachel. Aquileana :)

  4. Sleeping the day away is a good idea Speedy. I hate when they slow your internet connection, that should be illegal. Have a good day.

  5. KING SPEEDY! All kings need to have a day of repose, and you do this very well. teehehehehehhee Look at you, in your magic castle, all sprawled out! Running a kingdom of bunnies is hard work!

    Wishing you all success with the new internet company. We don't want to miss a beat of Speedy's adventures! Much love!

  6. That's a super photo Speedy! Just wait out the change on the interweb thing Speedy, we'll be here for your Blogoversary.

  7. Too bad your internet isn's speedy:) Have a happy Sunday.

  8. What an adorable Sleepy Speedy Selfie!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  9. That's an awesome way to spend the day, Speedy! We hope that internet stuff gets fixed soon.

  10. That is just such a very sweet selfie, Speedy")

    Happy Sunday.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  11. Lovely selfie, Speedy. Our internet has been very slow the last few months too. Mum keeps saying she is going to change but hasn't yet. She really needs to get her a$$ in gear and do something about it.

  12. Speedy Speedy move on over so mee can come nappy with you!!!! Woo Hoo!!!
    **paw patsss** Siddhartha Henry xxxxx

  13. Great selfie in your castle, Speedy ! We hope your internet get fixed very soon. Purrs

  14. Looks like you are doing some re-decorating!

  15. How cute! It's a good day to do nothing.
    Sue B

  16. You must have had one busy week, Speedy.

  17. Hope the internets get fixed soon fur your blogaversary!

  18. Hello Speedy,
    You have internet problems and we have problems with our computer. Real slow, makes blogging complicated.
    I like your indoor selfie. You look relax in your nice castle.

  19. Speedy, that looks like the perfect way to spend your time on a rainy Sunday. THANKS FOR HOPPING ON OVER...YOU ACTUALLY ARE THE ONLY PARTICIPANT WHO COULD ACTUALLY DO THAT. MOL XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  20. Awwww, Speedy, what a great castle!!!


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