
Friday, 5 February 2016

Speedy's Review!

Hey everyone I'm doing another review today,this one is on my first Castle mummy and daddy ever gave me.They got it from and its the Fuzzballs Castle Large for Guinea pigs and Rabbits.
Mum found it very easy to put together but we found that the 1st floor was not strong enough for me being a medium size bunny so I never used it.And the door ways were a bit small so she had to make them a bit bigger for me.
It was tough for me to chew through and mum only had to repair it a little bit to make it last a full year.She also raised the 1st floor and turned it in to a roof so I could stand on my hind legs when inside it.
And here is a minor repair!
While it was a great castle and it lasted against my bunstructions it really is more for Guinea pigs and dwarf rabbits as it was a little small for me and would be no good for large giant type rabbits.

Disclaimer: All opinions are of myself and that of my Mummy,We were not paid for this review and the product was paid for by my Mummy.


  1. Sounds like a very fair review, Speedy!

  2. Oh Speedy your castle is awesome
    Lily & Edward

  3. Lovely to look out, but my piggies would chew that thing down in a few hours. Thanks for the review. They need to build you a bigger one.

  4. Speedy you are one LUCKY BUN!!!! That is DARLING!! Your area looks so comfy and adorable that I want to live there (and this is the Mom lol). You should name it "Camelot!!" xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

  5. Well you do look darn good in the Speedy!

  6. OMB! I wants one!!! Do you thinks it would stand up to a 60lb Airedales??? Yeah, probably not...That is most FABulous though! I loves looks tasty too...i do loves me some cellulose in the morning...☺
    Great review Speedy!!
    Ruby ♥

  7. KING SPEEDY! Sire, someone must get onto the project of designing a larger castle for a bunny of your stature! It is a fine castle, but larger arched doorways would be best! Your "bunstruction" (teeeheeeee) is quite impressive! HAIL KING SPEEDY!

  8. Wow, what fun you are having King Speedy! Whee think whee know what to ask for when it's our birthdays now!

  9. You did a great review, Speedy. It's good for other larger bunnies to know that the castle might be too small for them. I wonder if little kitties would like to venture inside?

  10. Nice review. For sure you are an honest bunny.

  11. Nice review, Speedy! Mum is very handy, making those repairs and such to your castle!

  12. A bunn'ss castle iss his castle, mew mew mew Speedy!!!
    Yur Mumma iss so clevurr an good!!
    Fankss Aunty fur yur inn sight innto mee REELLY helped LadyMum today ;)
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxxxx

  13. That's one mighty fine castle, Speedy! Too bad it wasn't quite strong or big enough to hold up against your bunnystructions. You know if they make 'em cat-sized? Inquiring minds wanna know. purrs


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