Thursday, 10 December 2015

Speedy's Christmas Countdown December 10th

WooHoo only 15 more Sleeps to go!Christmas day is getting ever it's time to share our next entry and its from  Christy Paws with her first ever tree.....

Pawsome Tree Christy!Now someone asked to see Scrooge so I thought I would oblige....

I hope you enjoyed the show......Don't forget to send in your photo's of you tree's and decorations and if you can manage to be in them too that would be great but if not no worries,send them to or you can post them on my Facebook Event by 5am Christmas morning when mummy gets up to give me my breakfast.My favourite 3 will win a surprise gift after the big day!


  1. Woo Hoo Christy'ss tree iss featured today! Shee an Ocean an Echo are reelly likin their tree!!!
    "Muppet Katmass Carol" iss ladyMum'ss favorite Katmass movie...wee luvv thee clips Speedy! Fankss!
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxx

  2. This the season for Santa Speedy and his Christmas show!!!!!!

  3. It is so much fun to see how all the different homes get dressed up for Christmas - very pretty tree. We are too big to fit under our tree like that kitty can:(

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  4. Christy Paws' Tree is HOOGE and TALL and Beautiful...

    OMD we loved the Movies... we gotted some Poppy Corns.. before we hit PLAY... it was grrrrreat we tell you... THANKS Speedy fur doing all this fur us... We really appreciate seeing everybuddy's Christmas thingys...

  5. Christy looks adorable under her first tree!

  6. Great tree. Mom is a huge Muppets Christmas Carol fan.

  7. dood....we iz N joyin yur Christmas food serviss gurl act shoo a lee getted a fotoz oh two vizshuz reindeer tryin ta steel her car when her waz leevin werk last nite...N thanx for sharin theeze mewviez !! ♥♥♥

  8. Awwww... So pretty!

    Love and licks,

  9. Paws up for Christy Paws! We are big fans of hers here and are so happy to see her featured.

  10. Christy's FIRST Christmas tree is beautiful - she looks happy to be enjoying it!

    Hugs, Sammy

  11. I had to come back properly; I was on my phone yesterday during my short lunch break! ENCORE ENCORE! Great show of Christmas cheer Santa Speedy!

  12. Love it! And I love movie day!! XOXO - Bacon

  13. Christy sure does look happy! Those were great videos Speedy!

  14. Woohoo so much fun!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!


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